Payment terms in B2B

Payment terms allow you to set the length of time that a company has to pay for an order. You can set payment terms for any company location that you create. After payment terms are set for a location, any B2B customer for that location can enter payment information for an order. You can also use payments terms when you create a draft order for a B2B customer.

You can set up the following payment terms:

  • None - By default, payment terms are set to None. Customers pay for orders immediately upon checkout.
  • Net (period) - If you assign net terms to a company location, then any B2B customer for that location can pay for orders at any time between when they have placed the order and the due date. Customers can make their payment by logging in to their account, selecting an order, and then clicking Pay now. The available terms are net 7, net 15, net 30, net 60, and net 90.
  • Due on fulfillment - If you assign due on fulfillment to a company location, then any B2B customer for that location can pay for orders at any time between when they have placed the order and when all items are fulfilled in the order. The due date for the payment will be set as the date all items are fulfilled in the order. Customers can make their payment by logging in to their account, selecting an order, and then clicking Pay now.

Orders and draft orders with B2B customers or from the B2B checkout must be manually captured when they don't have a valid authorization and due on fulfillment payment terms.

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