
There are a number of methods that can be used on the ShopifyPOS integrations. The following table links to example code, and displays which integrations can access which methods. For the different types of errors that you can expect for these methods, refer to the Errors table.

Name Description Edit Cart Order complete
POS Dialog Standard browser dialog support.
POS Callbacks Callbacks and error handling.
POS Initialize
POS Ready
POS Remote Redirect Dispatches away from the app to a remote URL.
POS Flash Notice Displays a successful or neutral message in Shopify POS.
POS Flash Error Displays a message in Shopify POS styled as an error.
POS Fetch User Get info on a Shopify POS user.
POS Fetch Location Get the currently set location of Shopify POS.
POS Close Modal Closes the currently open app, and returns the user to Shopify POS.
Cart Fetch Retrieve the currently active cart from Shopify POS.
Cart Set Customer Sets a customer on the current cart.
Cart Remove Customer Removes a customer from the current cart.
Cart Add Customer Address Adds a new address on the customer associated with the current cart.
Cart Update Customer Address Updates a new address on the customer associated with the current cart.
Cart Set Discount Sets a discount on the current cart.
Cart Remove Discount Removes a discount from the current cart.
Cart Add Properties Adds arbitrary properties to the current cart.
Cart Remove Properties Remove one or more properties from the current cart.
Cart Clear Remove all line items from the cart.
Add Line Item Adds a new line item to the current cart.
Update Line Item Updates an existing line item quantity in the cart.
Remove Line Item Removes an existing line item from the cart.
Set Line Item Discount Sets the discount on a line item in the current cart.
Remove Line Item Discount Removes a line item discount in the current cart.
Add Line Item Properties Adds a property to a given line item in the current cart.
Remove Line Item Properties Removes a property from a given line item in the current cart.

You can use the following list of standard browser dialogs:

  • alert()
  • confirm()
  • prompt().

They will be styled slightly differently depending on your version of iOS.

Many of the methods in the POS App SDK include support for callback methods that are automatically invoked when the requested action has succeeded or failed. They can be passed to a function in the following format:

Success callbacks receive a single argument, which is different depending on the method invoked. In all of the functions defined on Cart, the argument to success will be the latest state of the cart. Methods that do not pass a Cart back will explicitly state what they pass in the documentation below.

Error callbacks receive a single argument, errors, on invocation. This is an array of Error objects, each of which contains the following keys:

Key Type Description
property String Reference to an object property in the original payload which contained the error. If the error is not related to a specific property, property will be null. Example: "variant_id".
message String A description of the error that occurred.
Example: "must not be blank".
errorType String The category of error that occurred. Valid values include: persistence, authorization, misconfiguration, validation, and unsupported_operation.

Should be called immediately after the script file has loaded, as early as possible on the page (not in a jQuery.ready() or similar). It will initialize data values, and setup our initializers.

The config hash can contain the following keys:

Key Type Description
apiKey String ff9b1d04414785029e066f8fd0465d00 or similar. The client credentials provided to you for your application in the Partner Dashboard.
shopOrigin String The origin of the Shopify shop. This will come out of the session values returned from the Shopify API and should be set dynamically for each different store. The origin must always include the protocol, and is constructed as "".
debug boolean Defaults to false. Will activate console.log logging output.

Works similarly to jQuery's ready() function. It can be called many times on a page, it accepts functions, and when the app is presented in POS, it will call the functions in order.

Dispatches away from the app to a remote URL. The path must be an absolute URL prefixed with http or https. Context will shift from third party (within an iframe) to first party at the end of the redirect until ShopifyPOS.init() is called again.

Displays a message in Shopify POS styled as a notice. Use only for successful or neutral messages. Available in all integrations.

Displays a message in Shopify POS styled as an error. Use only for errors or failures. Available in all integrations.

Corresponds to the user who entered their PIN on the POS. Available in all integrations. The result passed to the success callback is an object with the following properties:

Key Type Description
id Number The unique identifier of this user.
first_name String The first name of the user.
last_name String The last name of the user.
email String Email address of the user.
account_owner Boolean Returns either true or false, determining if the currently logged in user is the account owner.
user_type String Returns either regular or restricted. A regular user has Admin and POS privileges, while a restricted user only has POS privileges.

Corresponds to the currently-set location of the POS. Available in all integrations. The result passed to the success callback is an object with the following properties:

Key Type Description
id Number A unique numeric identifier for the location.
name String The name of the location.
address1 String The first line of the address.
address2 String The second line of the address.
zip String The zip or postal code.
city String The city the location is in.
province String The province the location is in.
country_code String The country code the location is in.
country_name String The name of the country which the location is in.
phone String The phone number associated to the location.
active Boolean Returns either true or false, determining if the current location is active.

Closes the currently open app, and returns the user to Shopify POS.

Retrieves the currently active cart on the POS. Only available in the Edit Cart integration. The result passed to the success callback is an object with the following properties:

Key Type Description
line_items Array A list of lineitem objects. Can be used with Integrations to update or remove existing lineitems.
properties Array A list of arbitrary cart properties. These properties may have been added by other embedded apps.
subtotal String The total cost of the current cart including discounts, but before taxes and shipping. Value is based on the shop's existing currency settings.
tax_total String The sum of taxes for the current cart. Value is based on the shop's existing currency settings.
grand_total String The total cost of the current cart, after taxes and discounts have been applied. Value is based on the shop's existing currency settings.
cart_discount Object The current discount applied to the entire cart. This object is in the form {amount: ..., description: ...}.
customer Object The customer associated to the current cart. If there is no customer on the cart, returns undefined.

Example usage:

Sets a customer on the current cart. This method is available only in the Edit Cart integration. The expected behavior of this method depends on the customer information that's provided.

When providing a customer id from the Shopify Admin API:

  • Setting an invalid id will throw an error.
  • If an ID is provided, the ID is for an existing customer, and a valid email is provided, then the existing customer email will be updated. If the specified email is already taken by an existing customer, then an error will be thrown.
  • If an ID is provided, the ID is for an existing customer, and the first_name, last_name, or note is provided, then the existing customer will be updated with the provided fields.

When providing a customer email without an id:

  • Setting a unique email will create a new customer. If the first_name, last_name, or note are provided, then the new customer will have those attributes.
  • If the specified email is invalid or already taken by an existing customer, then an error will be thrown.
  • If an existing customer email is provided, then setting the first_name, last_name, or note will update the existing customer with the provided fields.

When providing a customer without an id or email:

  • Setting a first_name or last_name will create a new customer.
  • Since first_name or last_name are not required to be unique, setting a customer with these fields will generate a new customer each time the method is invoked.
Key Type Description
id Number The unique numeric identifier for the customer, according to the Shopify Admin API. Required if none of the other fields are provided.
email String The customer's email address.
first_name String The first name of the customer.
last_name String The last name of the customer.
note String A note to store on the customer's account.

Example usage:

Removes the customer on the current cart. Only available in the Edit Cart integration.

Adds a new address for the customer associated with the current cart. This method will fail if there is no customer on the cart. It's available only in the Edit Cart integration.

Key Type Description
address1 String The customer's primary address.
address2 String Any associated information to the address (Apartment #, Suite #, Unit #, etc.).
city String The name of the customer's city.
company String Optional: Company name associated with address.
first_name String The first name of the customer.
last_name String The last name of the customer.
phone String The customer's phone number.
province String The province or state of the address.
country String The country of the associated address.
zip String The ZIP or postal code of the address.
name String The name of this address.
province_code String The acronym of the province or state.
country_code String Country Code in ISO 3166-1 (alpha-2) format. See Current ISO Codes.

Example usage:

Updates an address for the customer associated with the current cart. index is the position of the address in cart.customer.addresses, and is required. For the list of valid attributes, see the description of addCustomerAddress(). This method is available only in the Edit Cart integration. Provide null or empty string as values to clear out fields.

Example usage:

Adds a discount to the current cart. Only available in the Edit Cart integration.

Key Type Description
amount Number The discount amount to be applied to the subtotal of the cart as a flat value or total percentage discount. flat discount amounts must be greater than 0. Discounts greater than the subtotal of the cart will be reduced to the subtotal amount. percent discount amounts must be between 0.0 and 1.0.
discount_description String A description of the discount being applied. Defaults to Discount, if not supplied.
type String Options are flat or percent. Defaults to flat, if not supplied.

Example usage:

Removes the discount on the current cart. Only available in the Edit Cart integration.

Adds String properties to the current cart. These are similar to line item properties, but are applied to the entire cart. This method is available only in the Edit Cart integration. Adding null keys or values will be ignored.

Example usage:

Removes one or more properties from the current cart. propKeys is an array of properties to be removed based on their key. This method is available only in the Edit Cart integration.

Example usage:

Removes all line items, properties, discounts, and customer information from the cart. Only available in the Edit Cart integration.

Adds a new line item to the current cart. Only available in the Edit Cart integration. This method allows you to add a new custom line item to the cart, or update an existing line item quantity if conditions are met:

When adding new line items:

  • Product variant: Providing an existing variant_id with quantity will add that variant to the cart and set its quantity.
  • Custom sale: Providing price, quantity, title will create a new custom sale line item and add it to the cart.

When updating existing line items:

  • Product variant: Providing an existing variant_id (already in the cart), and quantity will increment the line item's quantity.
  • Custom sale: Providing an existing price and title will increment the line item's quantity.
Key Type Description
price Number The price of the line item. Required if a variant_id is not provided. Must be greater than or equal to 0.
quantity Number The amount of items to add. Defaults to 1 if not provided. Must be greater than 0.
title String The name of the product, defaults to "Quick sale" if not supplied.
variant_id Number The unique ID of the variant being added. If not included, the product will be considered a custom sale.

Example usage:

Updates an existing line item quantity in the cart. index is the position of the line item in cart.line_items and is required. We only support updating the quantity for line items in the cart. You must add a new custom sale line item that is a duplicate of an existing cart line item if you wish to change the price and title, then manually remove the duplicated (outdated) line item from the cart. See the description of addLineItem() for the list of valid attributes. Only available in the Edit Cart integration.

Key Type Description
quantity Number The amount of items to add. Must be greater than 0.

Example usage:

Removes an existing item from the cart. index is the position of the line item in cart.line_items and is required. Only available in the Edit Cart integration.

Example usage:

Sets the discount on a line item in the current cart. index is the position of the line item in cart.line_items and is required. Only available in the Edit Cart integration.

Key Type Description
amount String The discount amount to be applied to the subtotal of the cart as a flat value or total percentage discount. flat discount amounts must be greater than 0. Discounts greater than the subtotal of the cart will be reduced to the subtotal amount. percent discount amounts must be between 0 and 1.
discount_description String A description of the discount being applied. Defaults to Discount, if not supplied.
type String Options are flat or percent. Defaults to flat, if not supplied.

Example usage:

Removes a line item discount in the current cart. index is the position of the line item in cart.line_items, and is required. This method is available only in the Edit Cart integration.

Adds a String property to a given line item in the current cart. index is the position of the line item in cart.line_items, and is required. This method is available only in the Edit Cart integration. Adding null keys or values will be ignored.

Example usage:

Removes a property from a given line item in the current cart. index is the position of the line item in cart.line_items and is required. propKeys is an array of properties to be removed based on their key. Only available in the Edit Cart integration.

Example usage:

Type Description
persistence This error can occur when trying to fetch or update the current Cart object. It means that the read or write operation on the Cart object failed and you can try repeating the operation that failed.
authorization This error occurs when your application failed to authenticate with Shopify because the client ID was missing or incorrect.
validation This error occurs when there was a problem validating the JSON data that was sent as part of your request payload. The error details will contain specific information about which field failed validation.
network This error is similar to the persistence error but instead of an issue with the device storage it indicates a problem with a network call to Shopify's server. You can try repeating the operation that failed.
unsupported_operation This error occurs when you are trying to use a Cart method from a POS screen other than the Edit Cart screen.