Considerations for selling hemp products

On this page you can learn more about the complexities of selling hemp and cannabis products online by exploring the legal frameworks and compliance standards necessary for navigating the United States, Canadian, and international markets.

Understanding hemp and hemp-derived products

Hemp is a variety of the Cannabis sativa plant that produces a wide range of cannabinoids. Hemp-derived products are made from different parts of the hemp plant and often contain cannabidiol (CBD), a non-psychoactive compound. The allowable levels of CBD and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) vary depending on the jurisdiction.

When we refer to hemp, we’re including both hemp and hemp-derived products. Hemp-derived products specifically refer to CBD products permitted under the U.S. Farm Bill (2018). In Canada, the term hemp comprises both hemp and cannabis products permitted under the Cannabis Act, including CBD and THC products.

Selling hemp in the United States (U.S.)

The U.S. Farm Bill (2018) provides a framework for the legal sale of hemp derivatives. You must comply with federal, state, and local regulations when selling hemp products on Shopify. This includes understanding labeling requirements, testing standards, and any state-specific restrictions. It’s your responsibility to ensure compliance with all applicable laws and regulations, as well as requirements for selling hemp and hemp-derived products in the United States.

You also need to stay updated on federal, state, and local laws, as well as any updates from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). If you require further guidance, then it’s recommended to consult with a lawyer, as Shopify can’t provide legal advice regarding what and where you can sell.

For detailed information on the FDA's position on dietary supplements, food, and cosmetics containing hemp, such as CBD, you can find resources online, including the FDA Consumer Update and the FDA Regulation of Cannabis and Cannabis-Derived Products.

Selling cannabis products in Canada

Cannabis products in Canada are regulated under the Cannabis Act. In Canada, the term cannabis encompasses both hemp and cannabis products permitted under the Cannabis Act. This includes CBD and THC products. It’s important to review and understand the requirements for selling these products on Shopify. By agreeing to these requirements, you confirm your commitment to comply with the laws and regulations in all the jurisdictions where you conduct business.

Before selling cannabis on Shopify in Canada, ensure you have obtained a federal or provincial license to sell cannabis. Review and agree to the requirements for selling cannabis in Canada, and stay updated on federal, provincial, and local laws, as well as the Cannabis Act. If you require further guidance, then it’s recommended to consult with a lawyer, as Shopify can’t provide legal advice regarding what and where you can sell.

To find helpful resources related to cannabis in Canada, you can refer to the Authorized cannabis retailers in the provinces and territories, Cannabis in Canada: Get the facts, Health Canada: Cannabis services and information, and Health Canada: Cannabidiol (CBD).

Selling hemp internationally

When selling hemp products internationally, ensure compliance with the laws and regulations of both your jurisdiction and your customers’ jurisdictions. Shopify generally supports the sale of hemp if you’re located in a jurisdiction where the sale of these products is permitted and you comply with the laws of all the jurisdictions where you conduct business. It’s your responsibility to ensure that your products don’t exceed the allowable amounts of THC and CBD in your jurisdictions and the jurisdictions of your customers.

Before selling hemp products on Shopify internationally, review and stay updated on federal, regional, and local laws, as well as Terms or Service and Acceptable Use Policy. If you require further guidance, then it’s recommended to consult with a lawyer, as Shopify can’t provide legal advice regarding what and where you can sell.

Reporting an Acceptable Use Policy Violation

If you come across an alleged Acceptable Use Policy violation on Shopify, then the most efficient way to report it is by using Shopify's online form.

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