Filtering company and company location metafields
You can filter company and company location metafields on the Companies index page and company details page. This can help you analyze and organize your company data in B2B.
You can only use company or company location metafield definitions and values for filtering. You can have a maximum of 50 definitions per company metafield definitions and company location metafield definitions.
On this page
Before you start
You need to complete the following tasks before you can activate company and company location metafields filtering:
Supported metafield definition types
You can use the following metafield definition types for filtering company and company location metafields:
- Single line text / Single line text (list)
- Product reference / Product reference (list)
- True or false
- Collection reference / Collection reference (list)
- Page reference / Page reference (list)
- Metaobject reference / Metaobject reference (list)
Activate company and company location metafields filtering
To use a metafield definition on the Companies index page and company details page, you need to activate the filtering setting in your metafield definitions.
- From your Shopify admin, go to Settings > Custom data.
- Depending on the metafield definition that you want to use for filtering, click Companies or Company locations.
- Click the metafield definition that you want to use for filtering.
- In the Options section, turn on Filter in company index.
- Click Save.
Filter company metafields
After you create your metafield and activate the metafields filtering, you can filter your company metafields on the Companies index page.
- From your Shopify admin, go to Customers > Companies.
- Click the search and filter icon.
- Click Add filter +.
- In the Metafields section, select the metafield definition that you want to use to filter your companies.
Filter company location metafields
After you create your metafield and activate the metafields filtering, you can filter your company location metafields on a company details page.
- From your Shopify admin, go to Customers > Companies.
- Click a company that you want to filter.
- Click the search and filter icon.
- Click Add filter +.
- In the Metafields section, select the metafield definition that you want to use to filter your company locations.