Setting up and managing new customer accounts

New customer accounts let your customers log in using a one-time 6-digit verification code sent by email. A password isn't required to log in. Both classic and new customer accounts are available to you and can be used by your customers.

New customer accounts support B2B, but don't support Multipass. Learn more about the differences between classic and new customer accounts.

Considerations when switching to new customer accounts

Before switching to new customer accounts, review the following considerations:

  • Apps or liquid customizations added to your theme’s customer account pages won't apply to new customer accounts. Your customers will lose access to those customizations.
  • All links to classic customer accounts will redirect to new customer accounts.
  • New customer accounts aren't compatible with International.
  • New customer accounts aren't compatible with pixels.
  • Workflow triggers or automations based on classic customer accounts aren't supported in new customer accounts.
  • App support is in developer preview, and will soon be available for merchant use.

You can switch back to classic customer accounts any time to restore your previous experience.

Set up new customer accounts

You can set up new customer accounts in the Customer accounts settings of your Shopify admin.


  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Settings > Customer accounts.
  2. In the Accounts in online store and checkout section, click Edit.
  3. To display the login link on your store, select the Show login link in the header of online store and at checkout checkbox.
  4. In the Choose which version of customer accounts to use section, select New customer accounts.
  5. Click Save.

Saved payment methods

With saved payment methods, your customer can save their credit card information to their account with your store. This makes their future checkouts faster and easier, and encourages repeat purchases. After a customer creates an account, they can add other credit cards, edit credit card information, or delete cards.

Saved payment methods is compatible with Shop Pay. You can have both features turned on at the same time. At checkout, your customers can choose their preferred method.

Activate saved payment methods

Saved payment methods is turned off by default. You can activate saved payment methods from your Shopify admin.


  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Settings > Customer accounts.
  2. In the Saved payment methods section, click Turn on.

Deactivating a customer account

With new customer accounts, you can’t deactivate an individual account. You can delete a customer profile, but if your customer logs in again with that email, then a new customer profile is created.

Branding and customization

You can customize the branding for your new customer account pages by editing your checkout style. Except for the login page, your checkout style automatically applies to new customer account pages. The login page only uses your checkout logo and the button color can't be changed from the default blue color.

The following checkout branding settings don't apply to the new customer accounts pages:

  • Logo position
  • Logo alignment
  • Logo max width
  • Checkout header background image
  • Background 1

Change your default domain

To change the default domain, you can connect a third-party domain to Shopify for your new customer accounts page.

Hide new customer accounts

If you no longer want customers to access customer accounts from your online store or checkout, then you can hide links to customer accounts.


  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Settings > Customer accounts.
  2. In the Accounts in online store and checkout section, click Edit.
  3. In the Login experience section, make sure the checkbox is deselected.
  4. Click Save.

Customer experience

To learn more about the customer experience using new customers accounts, review the following features:

Customer account creation and login

If your customer has a customer profile in your Shopify admin, then they already have an account. They can log in with the email address associated with their customer profile to view their orders and account information. When a customer enters their email address, they receive an email with a one-time, 6-digit code that they need to enter to log in.

If someone logs in with an email address that’s not associated with an existing customer profile, then a new customer profile is created automatically.

If your customer has a Shop account, then they'll be prompted to sign in with Shop, or they can still log in with a one-time code sent to their email. Both methods allow customers to sign in or create an account. Customers signed in with Shop reach checkout with saved shopping information pre-filled, defaulting them to checkout in one tap with Shop Pay.

To give a customer access to the B2B buying experience in their account, add their customer profile to a company.

Updating new customer accounts

Customers can update their account details by logging into their account from the storefront.


  1. The customer navigates to your online store, and then clicks the login button.
  2. The customer enters their email address. After they receive an email with their login code, they enter it to access their account page.
  3. In their account page, the customer clicks their initials in the top right, and then clicks Account information.
  4. To edit their name, the customer clicks the pencil icon in the Profile section.
  5. To edit their shipping details, the customer clicks the pencil icon beside their address in the Addresses section.

with Shop

If you have Shop Pay activated, then your customer can sign in with their Shop credentials and saved passkeys. Sign-in with Shop is activated automatically for new customer accounts, and can only be removed from your store if you deactivate Shop Pay.

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