Managing your bills with Shopify Bill Pay

After you've added your bills, you can manage all your bills directly in your Shopify Bill Pay account. Within Shopify Bill Pay, your keep track of, modify, and handle various aspects of your bills.

Understanding bill statuses

In Shopify Bill Pay, each bill is assigned a status that indicates its current state. The following is a breakdown of each status and what it means for you:

List of possible statuses that a bill can have and a description of the status
PaidThe bill is fully paid, and no further action is necessary.
UnpaidThe bill is not yet paid in full.
OverduePayment has not been completed, and the due date has passed.
Verification pendingPayment through a bank account is selected, but the bank account verification is still pending.
Pending vendorWaiting for the vendor to select their preferred payment method.
ScheduledPayment for the bill is scheduled but hasn't been processed yet.
In progressPayment is deducted and is in the processing stage.
Payment failedThe payment attempt didn’t succeed. Learn why this might happen and how to resolve it.

Sorting, filtering, and searching for bills

Managing your bills efficiently can save you time and help you maintain better control over your finances. To help you organize and find the bills your need, you can sort, filter, and search for your bills within Shopify Bill Pay.

Sort your bills

  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Finance > Bill Pay.
  2. Click the sort button.
  3. Select the sorting criteria, and whether to sort in ascending or descending order.

Filter your bills

  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Finance > Bill Pay.
  2. Click the search and filter button.
  3. Click Add filter, and then select the criteria you want to filter by.
  4. Select the specific value to filter for.

Search for a bill

  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Finance > Bill Pay.
  2. Click the search and filter button.
  3. Enter your search term, and then press enter on your keyboard.

Rescheduling and canceling payments

Sometimes, plans change, and you might need to reschedule or cancel a payment.

Reschedule a bill

  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Finance > Bill Pay.
  2. Click the bill.
  3. Click Edit payment.
  4. In Delivery details, select a new deduction date.
  5. Click Update payment.

Cancel a scheduled payment

Canceling a scheduled payment is possible only before it starts processing. After a payment begins processing, it might not be possible to cancel it. If you need assistance after a payment starts processing, then you need to contact Shopify Support.


  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Finance > Bill Pay.
  2. Click the bill that you want to delete.
  3. In the most recent payment activity, click Cancel payment, and then click Cancel payment.

Marking bills as paid

If a single bill or multiple bills are paid using a payment method other than Bill Pay, then you can mark them as paid from your Shopify admin. After you mark a bill as paid, the bill is moved to the Paid tab.

Mark a single bill as paid

  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Finance > Bill Pay.
  2. In the Unpaid tab, click the bill that you want to mark as paid.
  3. Confirm the bill’s details, and then click Continue.
  4. Click Mark as paid.
  5. Click Mark as paid to confirm.

If your bill is synced from QuickBooks, then it might not have payment details attached. You must select the bank account that the bill was paid from in order to mark the bill as paid.

Mark multiple bills as paid

  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Finance > Bill Pay.
  2. In the Unpaid tab, check the bills that you want to mark as paid.
  3. Click Mark as paid.
  4. Click Mark as paid to confirm.

If your bills are synced from QuickBooks, then they might not have payment details attached. You must select the bank account that the bills were paid from in order to mark the bills as paid.

Delete a bill

You can remove a bill entirely from your records by deleting it.

  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Finance > Bill Pay.
  2. Click the bill.
  3. Click Delete bill, and then click Delete.

Export your payment history data

You can export a payment report in the form of a CSV file, which contains all the details of processed payments (scheduled, in progress, completed, or failed) performed over a specific set of dates.

When generating a report, you can choose up to 12 months into the past. If you want to include scheduled payments, then you must include future dates in your report.

Your payment report includes the following information:

Table including the CSV fields and descriptions for the exportable Bill Pay payments report.
Field NameDescription
Payment IDThe unique payment identifier.
Vendor Company NameThe vendor name.
Invoice NumberThe vendor's bill ID, as entered when the bill was created.
Payment Amount (USD)The payment amount, in USD.
Collection DateThe date when the payment was first processed.
Delivery Date
  • For ACH bank transfers: the date the payment was received by the vendor.
  • For checks: the date the check was sent to the vendor.
Payment MethodAvailable options are: ACH bank transfer, debit card, or credit card.
Note To SelfAny user-entered notes.
Memo To VendorAny notes left for the vendor.
Payment StatusAvailable options are:
  • In progress:
    For payments delivered by ACH bank transfer, money was collected but not yet delivered.
    For checks, the check was sent but has yet to be deposited.
  • Completed:
    ACH bank transfer was successfully delivered.
    Check was deposited.
    Funds delivered to the vendor's debit card.
  • Failed: We failed to collect or deliver.
Check StatusRelevant for payments made by check. Available options are: No value (empty cell), Deposited, and Undeposited.
Associated Fees Amount (USD)The total amount of associated fees (such as credit card or fast payment fees).
Scheduled ByThe first and last name of the user who scheduled the payment.
Approved ByThe first and last name of the user who approved the payment (for payments that require approval).


  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Finance > Bill Pay.
  2. Click More actions > Manage Bill Pay.
  3. In the Reports section, under Payments, click Create report.
  4. In the Export payments report dialog, select the date range:
    • Select Last 30 days to export data from the past 30 days.
    • Select Custom date to choose a custom date range for your report. To include scheduled payments, select dates in the future. You can choose up to 12 months into the past.
  5. Click Export payments.

The report is downloaded to your device as a CSV file.

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