Adding bills through Shopify Bill Pay
Shopify Bill Pay supports financial transactions by facilitating both domestic and international bill payments. In this article, you can learn how add bills manually, by email, or through syncing with applications like QuickBooks Online and Gmail.
The first time that you set up a payment with a vendor, you add the vendor's details and your preferred method of payment. The next time you pay a bill from that vendor, their information and your payment preferences are saved to make the process faster.
On this page
Understanding bill requirements and considerations
Shopify Bill Pay supports payments both within the United States and internationally with specific guidelines:
- Currency: All bill payments must be made in USD.
- Domestic payments: Includes transactions within Puerto Rico (bills to, from, or within Puerto Rico).
- Restrictions: Businesses based in Texas or Vermont can't make international bill payments. Also, payments to certain countries are prohibited. Review the full list of countries open to international payments.
- Credit cards: American Express might restrict payments based on your vendor's industry. Review which industries are permitted by American Express.
Tips for quick payments
To help you pay your bills quickly, review the following tips:
- Ensure that your bank account is connected and verified before initiating a payment. Adding the bank account during the bill payment process is possible, but it can add delays.
- For larger payments, you might need to provide a bill image during the bill payment process to expedite verification.
Adding bills to Shopify Bill Pay
You have multiple ways to add bills to your Shopify Bill Pay account:
- manually through the Shopify admin
- using a Bill Pay email address
- syncing a QuickBooks Online account
- importing bills from your Gmail account
- adding bills from the Stocky app
Manually add a bill to your Shopify Bill Pay account
You can add a bill manually to your Shopify Bill Pay account and pay it later. If you want to manually add and pay the bill in one step, then refer to either pay a domestic bill or pay an international bill.
- From your Shopify admin, click Finance > Bill Pay.
- Click Add bill.
- Add the payment details:
- To upload a bill file, click Add file. The file must be either a PDF or JPG.
- To enter the bill's details manually, click Add details manually.
- Click Save and pay later.
Adding bills using your Shopify Bill Pay email
Your Shopify Bill Pay account comes with a unique email address where you or your vendors can send bills. If you have no bills in Shopify Bill Pay account, then your unique Shopify Bill Pay email displays on the Shopify Bill Pay home page. If you have bills, then the email address is displayed above the bill area on the home page.
When you or your vendor sends a bill to this address and attaches a bill, the bill then displays in your Shopify Bill Pay account in your Shopify admin, with all or some of the bill's information populated. The attached bill must be a PNG, JPG, PDF, or GIF file and can be a maximum size of 10 MB.
Adding bills by email can be a fast way to populate your Shopify Bill Pay account with the bills you need to pay. Consider using some of the following methods:
- Letting your vendors know your Shopify Bill Pay email address so they can send bills there directly
- Forwarding the emails containing attached bills to your Shopify Bill Pay email address
- Taking a screenshot or picture of your bill, and attaching it to an email that you send to your Shopify Bill Pay email address
Syncing bills from QuickBooks Online
You can connect your QuickBooks Online account so that bills from your QuickBooks account are automatically added to your Shopify Bill Pay account. Syncing with QuickBooks also syncs your vendor list, and a vendor profile is created in your Shopify Bill Pay for each vendor that has an unpaid bill.
After you connect your account, within a few minutes, bills from the last 60 days are synced. Afterwards, a sync takes place every 2 hours to bring in any new bills.
Import bills through Gmail
You can connect your Gmail account so that bills from your Google mail inbox are automatically added to your Shopify Bill Pay account.
After being connected, Shopify Bill Pay regularly scans your Gmail inbox for invoices that are sent from vendors with file attachments. Shopify Bill Pay doesn’t import or have access to other items in your inbox.
Add bills through Stocky
If you use the Stocky app to manage inventory for your store, then you can connect Stocky to Shopify Bill Pay in order to turn your open purchase orders from Stocky into bills in Shopify Bill Pay.
Before you add bills through Stocky, make sure you've connected Stocky to Shopify Bill Pay using your Stocky API access key.
When you create bills from Stocky purchase orders, the following information syncs to the resulting bills:
- Total $ amount
- Vendor name
- Due date
- PO number
Bills that are added through Stocky display in your Bill Pay inbox as Unpaid, and with Stocky listed as the origin.
- From your Shopify admin, go to Finance > Bill Pay.
- Click Create bills from Stocky.
- Select the purchase orders that you want to turn into bills, and then click Create bills.