Receiving instant payments with your debit card

With Shopify Bill Pay, for certain payments, you have the option to have the payment delivered within 30 minutes to your debit card instead of waiting the usual delivery time, which can be up to 7 business days. It costs 1% of the payment amount, and all you need to accept the payment is your debit card number and cardholder details. This method works on any day of the week, including weekends.

Eligible payments

This option is only available if the merchant selects to pay their bill using a bank transfer (ACH) or a paper check. You receive an email to accept the payment, and any payments eligible for instant payments have the instant payment option listed.

Only you as a vendor can select this method, a merchant can't send a bill payment using this method to you.


Before using Shopify Bill Pay instant payments, review the following considerations:

  • If the original delivery method is a bank transfer (ACH), then an instant transfer is available only on days before the estimated transfer delivery date. For example, if your expected delivery date is November 15, then you can select an instant transfer only on November 14 and earlier.
  • If the original delivery method is a paper check and you chose the instant payment option, then the paper check is voided but is still mailed to you. Do not deposit the voided paper check because it can lead to you receiving penalty fees from your bank.
  • The debit card used to accept the payment must be a business, corporate, or commercial debit card. Personal debit cards aren't accepted.
  • Instant payments cost 1% of the payment amount, which is deducted from the payment when it's sent to your bank account.

Receive an instant payment

The payment should arrive to the bank account connected to the debit card within 30 minutes. After you accept the payment, a confirmation email is sent to your email address.


  1. In the payment delivery email in the Want to get paid instantly? section, click Get paid instantly.
  2. Enter your business debit card details and business details.
  3. Click Submit and accept payment.
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