Getting paid for draft orders

If you have your customer's billing information, then you can accept payment for draft orders by credit card or by marking an order as paid for an already received payment. When you accept payment for a draft order, it becomes an order on the Orders page.

Considerations for getting paid for draft orders

Before you accept payments for your draft orders, review the following considerations:

  • You can accept payment by credit cards only through Shopify Payments.
  • If you receive payments through direct payment providers other than Shopify Payments, then check with your provider whether handling customer information in this way affects PCI compliance requirements.
  • If details about your draft order are outdated from what's now available in the Shopify admin (such as a product price or shipping rate being changed), then you must resolve the issues and apply changes before payment can be captured.
  • Any payment method customizations that you've activated in your checkout apply to draft order checkouts by default. However, the customizations won't display or apply in the admin while you're creating your draft order.

Transaction fees for draft orders

You aren't charged third-party transaction fees for draft orders in the following scenarios:

When you use a supported third-party direct credit card payment provider to accept payments, then you pay the same third-party transaction fees when processing credit card purchases that you pay for online orders.

Mark payment as paid on a draft order

If you've already received payment for the current order, or if you import a past order from another platform into your Shopify admin, then you can mark the order as paid. The received amount isn't captured again by your payment provider, and an order confirmation email is sent to the customer.

If you use international sales tools, then the value for Amount received is the value in the customer’s local currency converted to your store’s currency. The conversion is based on the live currency rate which fluctuates. For reporting purposes, if the amount you received is different than the amount displayed, then update it.


  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Orders > Drafts.

  2. Click the existing draft order that you want to mark as paid.

  3. In the Payments section, click Collect payment, and then click Mark as paid.

  4. Optional: If the Amount received value is different that the amount that you received, then update the value.

  5. Click Create order.

  6. Optional: If any checkout validation rules haven't been met on the order, then a warning displays listing the rules to satisfy. Do any of the following actions:

    • To cancel the payment and return to modify the draft order, click Cancel.
    • To ignore the rule and mark the order as paid, click Ignore and create order.

After you create your order, you can access it from the Orders page.

Accept payment by credit card for a draft order

If you have the billing information of your customer, or if your customer is available to enter it directly, then you can accept payment for the order by credit card. This payment method is available only with Shopify Payments.


  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Orders > Drafts.

  2. Click the existing draft order that you want to accept a credit card payment for.

  3. In the Payments section, click Collect payment, and then click Enter credit card.

  4. Enter the customer's billing and credit card information.

  5. Click Charge to confirm your payment settings and create an order from your draft order.

  6. Optional: If any checkout validation rules haven't been met on the order, then a warning displays listing the rules to satisfy. Do any of the following actions:

    • To cancel the payment and return to modify the draft order, click Cancel.
    • To ignore the rule and mark the order as paid, click Ignore and create order.

Resolving issues with outdated draft orders

When you create a draft order, elements added to it (such as products and shipping rates) all display based on their configurations at the time they were added to the draft order. If an element of the draft order has changed by the time you attempt to complete the draft order (for example, a product was deleted or a shipping rate price was changed), then you're notified about what changes occurred and are given the option to make manual changes to the draft order or accept the changes and complete the order with the updates applied automatically.

Draft orders notify you of the following types of changes:

  • A product or variant was deleted.
  • A product or variant's price was changed. This doesn't apply to products affected by a price lock.
  • A shipping rate is no longer available.
  • A shipping rate's price was changed.

When you receive a New updates to this draft order dialog, you can take any of the following actions:

  • Review draft order: Return to the draft order editor with all updates applied to the order, but not saved. You can manually make changes to products, or apply custom discounts or shipping rates.
  • Create order: Continue completing the order with the updates automatically applied to the order.
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