Exporting orders

You can export a comma-separated values (CSV) spreadsheet of your orders from the Orders page of your Shopify admin to view a broad overview of your complete order information.

Export orders

You can choose to export your orders with their transaction history. The transaction history that's included in your CSV file contains only captured payments data. Authorization data isn't included in your exported transaction history.

Depending on how you choose to export your orders, the CSV file is sent to you through email or downloaded to your device:

  • If you select to export up to 50 orders or the current page of orders, then the CSV file is downloaded to your device.
  • If you select to export more than 51 orders or to export orders by date, then the CSV file is emailed to you and the store owner.

If the export fails, then you receive an email with this information.

The duration of your order export depends on how many orders you export. For example, an export with fewer than 100,000 items might complete in under an hour, whereas an export with 400,000 items might take around 4 hours.


  1. Sort and filter your orders.
  2. From the Orders page, click Export.
  3. In the Export orders window:
  4. Select the option for the orders that you want to export. For example, if you want to export your orders by date, then click Export orders by date and set the start and end dates for the orders that you want to export.
  5. Under Export as, select a file format.
  6. If you want to download all information about your orders, then click Export orders. If you want to download your transaction information only, then click Export transaction histories.

Order export CSV structure

The following table describes the format of the CSV file that will be created when you export orders.

In your order CSV file, orders with multiple line items display their additional line items on separate lines. Many of the fields are left blank to indicate that multiple items were purchased on the same order.

Description of each header in an order export csv file
NameThe order number as it displays in your store admin.
PhoneThe customer's phone number.
EmailThe customer's email address.
Financial StatusWhether the order has been paid, authorized, refunded, and so on.
Paid atThe date when the payment was captured for the order.
Fulfillment StatusWhether the order has been fulfilled or is still pending.
Fulfilled atThe date when the fulfillment was completed for the order.
Accepts MarketingWhether the customer has agreed to accept marketing from your store.
CurrencyYour store's base currency at the time of the order.
SubtotalThe order's subtotal before shipping and taxes.
ShippingThe total cost of shipping for the order.
TaxesThe amount of taxes charged on the order.
TotalThe total cost of the order.
Discount CodeThe discount code that was applied to the order. Only discounts and discounts applied manually to draft orders will be displayed in this column. This does not include automatic discounts.
Discount AmountThe amount of the discount applied to the order.
Shipping MethodThe shipping method used to ship the order.
Created atWhen the order was completed by the customer.
Lineitem quantityThe quantity of the line item (product/variant from your products menu).
Lineitem nameThe name of the line item.
Lineitem priceThe price of the line item.
Lineitem compare-at priceThe compare-at price of the line item.
Lineitem SKUThe line item SKU.
Lineitem requires shippingWhether the line item in the order requires shipping.
Lineitem taxableWhether the line item was taxable.
Lineitem fulfillment statusWhether the line item was fulfilled.
Billing NameThe first and last name from the customer's billing address, if entered. Otherwise, the first and last name from the customer's account.
Billing StreetThe name of the street entered for the billing address.
Billing Address1The full first line of the billing address -- for example, 151 O’Connor Street.
Billing Address2The full second line of the billing address -- for example, Ground floor. This column is often empty.
Billing CompanyThe customer's company name. This column is often empty.
Billing CityThe customer's billing address city.
Billing ZipThe customer's billing address ZIP or postal code.
Billing ProvinceThe code of the customer's billing state or province.
Billing Province NameThe name of the customer's billing state or province.
Billing CountryThe customer's billing country.
Billing PhoneThe customer's billing phone number.
Shipping NameThe first and last name of the customer.
Shipping StreetThe name of the street entered for the shipping address.
Shipping Address1The full first line of the shipping address -- for example, 151 O’Connor Street.
Shipping Address2The full second line of the shipping address -- for example, Ground floor. This column is often empty.
Shipping CompanyThe customer's company name. This column often empty.
Shipping CityThe customer's shipping address city.
Shipping ZipThe customer's shipping address ZIP or postal code.
Shipping ProvinceThe code of the customer's shipping state or province.
Shipping Province NameThe name of the customer's shipping state or province.
Shipping CountryThe customer's shipping country.
Shipping PhoneThe customer's shipping phone number.
NotesThe notes included on the order.
Note AttributesAny order note attribute values.
Cancelled atThe date and time the order was canceled at.
Payment MethodHow the order was paid for. An order can have more than one Payment Method. Multiple entries are separated with a space, a +, and another space.
Payment Reference (deprecated)The unique token for the transaction. This number isn't displayed in your store admin. This column is now deprecated. Payment References should be used instead.
Payment ReferencesContains the Payment IDs sent by Shopify to the payment providers. Use this ID to match order information between Shopify and your payment provider. This column includes all Payment IDs linked to an order, including failed payments, refunds, and captures. Multiple entries are separated with a space, a +, and another space.
Refunded AmountThe amount of any refund applied to the order.
VendorThe line item product vendor.
Outstanding BalanceThe amount owing on the order if it was not paid in full. This column only displays if you have the POS sales channel installed on your store.
EmployeeThe name of the employee that sold the order.
LocationThe location of the POS that sold the order.
Device IDThe device ID of the POS used to sell the order.
IdThe order ID.
TagsThe tags associated with the order.
Risk LevelThe order's risk level.
SourceThe order's source -- for example, web, draft order, POS.
Lineitem discountThe discount that's applied to the line item. This doesn't include order product discounts.
Tax # NameThe name of a line tax. Up to five line taxes are available.
Tax # ValueThe monetary amount of tax charged on the line tax.
PhoneThe customer's phone number.
Payment IDA unique ID sent by Shopify to payment providers when a customer pays at checkout. Use this ID to match order information between Shopify and your payment provider. An order can have more than one Payment ID. It only includes successful or pending payments. It does not include captures and refunds. Multiple entries are separated with a space, a +, and another space.
Payment termsThe terms for payment of the order. For example, due on receipt.
Next payment due atThe date that the next payment is due.

Transaction history CSV structure

The following table describes the format of the CSV file that will be created when you export transaction histories of your orders.

Description of each header in a transaction history export csv file
OrderThe order ID of a transaction. This number might be used by your payment provider, and it's the number that displays at the end of the URL on an order page.
NameThe order number associated with the transaction. This is the order number displays on your Orders page.
Payment MethodHow the order was paid for.
KindThe type of transaction. Whether it was a sale, refund, or an authorization.
GatewayThe payment provider that processed the transaction.
Created AtThe date of the transaction, presented Y-M-D, time, and time zone difference from UTC/GMT.
StatusStates whether the transaction was a success or a failure.
AmountHow much the transaction was for.
CurrencyThe currency the transaction was processed in.
Card TypeThe brand of credit card used, if applicable.

Use a text editor to edit your orders CSV file

If you don't have a spreadsheet program, then you can edit CSV files using a text editor.

Most computers have text editors that can open CSV files. You can also use a program like Visual Studio Code or Sublime Text to edit and debug your CSV file.

When you format your CSV file in a text editor, observe the following considerations:

  • Column headers must be separated by commas (for example, First Name,Last Name,Email,Company,Address1).
  • The list of tags must be wrapped in quotation marks (for example, "tag1,tag2,tag3").
  • Tags are not case sensitive.
  • Different records must be separated by line breaks.
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