View product price breakdowns

Your product prices for each country or region are calculated based on exchange rates, taxes, price rounding, and whether you set fixed product prices. You can view a detailed breakdown of how each product price is calculated within each market.


  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Settings > Markets.
  2. Click the market that you want to view prices for.
  3. Click Products and pricing.
  4. Find the product in the product list. You can use the Search and filter icon to narrow the products displayed in the products list.
  5. Click View price(s).
  6. Click the drop-down arrow beside the price for the product variant.
  7. Optional: For multiple-country markets, you can view the pricing for specific countries or regions. Click the Base Price drop-down menu, and then select the country or region that you want to view the price for.

The full product price breakdown is displayed.

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