Buy Button

Buy Buttons help you add your products to your external website and blog posts. They also make purchasing the products easier for customers by removing the need to go to a separate page to finalize their order.

Buy Buttons help you create shortcuts for customers to buy your products. You can place Buy Buttons on your non-Shopify website or blog. Buy Buttons can show product pictures, descriptions, and prices, all while letting customers purchase products without leaving the website. Any updates to a product’s details in your Shopify admin will appear on the product’s Buy Button.

For example, Fen sells clothing and accessories for sun protection. They create a Buy Button for their best-selling sun hat. Fen writes a blog post on Wordpress about the risk of sunburn even on a cloudy day and adds the Buy Button to the blog post. When someone reads the blog post, they can choose to buy the sun hat by clicking the Buy Button. They complete their order without ever having to leave the blog.

You can track Buy Button orders from your Shopify admin.

You use the Buy Button sales channel to create Buy Buttons. The Buy Button sales channel is included in all Shopify subscription plans.

You need to use a supported payment gateway to use Buy Button. To see a list of supported payment gateways in your country or region, refer to Payment information by country or region.

You can also use the Buy Button channel to create cart permalinks that you can then share with customers through an email campaign, direct message, or social media post.

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