Linkpop analytics
You can access analytics that track activity on your Linkpop landing page. Linkpop analytics measure visits, link clicks, and clicks per visit.
Visits - Each time a user interacts with your Linkpop landing page during the selected date range.
Link clicks - The number of clicks on links on your Linkpop landing page in the selected date range.
Clicks per visit - The average number of clicks per visit. Clicks per visit is calculated by dividing the number of link clicks by the total number of visits in the selected date range.
On this page
View analytics
You can view your Linkpop analytics from your Linkpop account. From your Linkpop landing page, tap the ...
icon, and select Analytics.
Change date range
The default date range for Linkpop analytics is the last seven days. If you want to change the date range to view analytics for a different period, then you can select a different date range.
From your Linkpop analytics page tap the ... icon > Analytics.
On the Analytics page, tap the date range button.
Select the date range that you want to view analytics for.
Link performance
After you select a date range, the performance of the links that have been clicked appear in the Link performance section. For example, Farah has four links listed on her Linkpop landing page: two shoppable links and two links to social media profiles. When Farah accesses her Linkpop analytics, she can check the performance of the four links on her landing page for a specific period.