Customizing your Shop Store

You can update what displays in Shop by editing your store details in the Shop sales channel, in your Shopify admin. You can also update your store information and change the order in which product collections display in your Shop Store.

Edit your Shop Store details

In the Store details section of the Shop channel, you can edit your store profile, avatar, and contact information.

You can update the following contact information and social media links for your Shop Store:

  • contact URL
  • email
  • phone number
  • business address
  • social links for Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, YouTube, and Twitter


  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Settings > Apps and sales channels.

  2. From the Apps and sales channels page, click Shop.

  3. Click Open sales channel.

  4. In the Store section, click Edit details.

  5. To update your store details, do any of the following steps:

    • In the Store profile section, update your store description.
    • In the Store avatar section, click Change to upload a new avatar image.
    • In the Contact and social section, update your contact information or social links.
    • To return to your Shopify admin to edit your store policies, in the Store policies section, click Manage policies.
  6. Click Save.

Edit a Shop Store announcement banner

If your store has an active automatic discount available, then an announcement banner automatically displays on your Shop Store home page. To edit the announcement banner, you need to deactivate your automatic discount, and then create a new one.

You can use the Shop channel to update the header on your Shop Store home page, including your logo, background, and slogan.

Logo image requirements

To achieve the best resolution for your header content, the logo image that you add to your header must meet the following requirements:

  • Logo image files must be in SVG, PNG, or WEBP format, and must be transparent.
  • The minimum width for images is 512 pixels.
  • The image must be square.

Background media requirements

When you add background media to your header as an image, GIF, or video, ensure that your file meets the following requirements:

  • Image files must be under 15 MB in size, and in WEBP, PNG, JPG, or GIF format.
  • Video files must be under 32 MB in size, no longer than 10 seconds in duration, and must be in an MP4 or MOV format.
  • The required dimensions for all background media types are 1080 x 1170 pixels.

Edit your Shop Store header

  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Settings > Apps and sales channels.

  2. From the Apps and sales channels page, click Shop.

  3. Click Open sales channel.

  4. In the Store section, click Customize.

  5. From the drop-down menu at the top of the page, select Shop Store home.

  6. Click Header, and then make any of the following changes:

    • To change the logo that displays on your Shop Store, in the Logo section, click Select image, or drag and drop an image to upload a file.
    • To feature an image, GIF, or video as your Shop Store background, in the Background section, click Media, and then click Select image or video or drag and drop an image or video to upload a file. After you update your file, use the Overlay intensity slider to adjust the contrast of your media.
    • To change the primary color of your background, buttons, and accents, in the Background section, click Color, and then select a color from the color picker.
    • To add a one-line description of your brand to your Shop Store header, in the Slogan section, write a slogan of up to 80 characters in the text box.
  7. Click Save.

Edit Shop Store collections

You can edit your Shop Store collections to manage which of your collections are available in Shop. You can add up to 5 collection lists, where each collection list can include up to 10 collections. After you add a collection to a collection list, that collection can't be added to another collection list. A collection needs to have a cover image in order to display in Shop.


  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Settings > Apps and sales channels.

  2. From the Apps and sales channels page, click Shop.

  3. Click Open sales channel.

  4. In the Store section, click Customize.

  5. From the drop-down menu at the top of the page, select Shop Store home.

  6. In the Collection list section, click the collection list that you want to edit, and then make any of the following changes:

    • To edit the collection list heading, enter your new heading in the Heading field.
    • To edit the collections that display in the collection list, click Edit collection list, and then select the collections that you want to include.
    • To reorder a collection list, click and drag the icon to move the collection to a specific position in the list.
    • To add a cover image to a collection list, click a collection, and then click Select image or drag and drop an image to upload a file.
    • To delete a collection list or collection, click the trash can icon.
  7. Click Save.

You can edit your Shop Store navigation to update the collections that display in your Shop Store navigation menu. You can add up to 12 collections to your navigation.


  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Settings > Apps and sales channels.

  2. From the Apps and sales channels page, click Shop.

  3. Click Open sales channel.

  4. In the Store section, click Customize.

  5. From the drop-down menu at the top of the page, select Shop Store home.

  6. Click Navigation > Edit navigation list.

  7. Customize your navigation in any of the following ways:

    • To add an available collection to your navigation, select the collection from the list.
    • To remove a collection from your navigation, deselect the collection from the list.
  8. Click Save.

Customizing your Shop Store filters

Adding custom filters to your online store using the Shopify Search & Discovery app automatically syncs those same filters to your Shop Store on Shop. This helps customers filter the products that display to them on your Shop Store collection pages and search results.

Your store filters sync automatically, and you can't set different filters for your online store and Shop Store. Learn how to add and edit filters on your store.

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