Shop product reviews guidelines and requirements
When you use Shop product reviews, you need to follow the merchant guidelines for collecting and replying to reviews. After a customer leaves a review for a product, it's reviewed by Shop to ensure that it meets the eligibility requirements to display on Shop.
Merchant guidelines
As a merchant who sells products on Shop, you need to follow Shop's guidelines to help ensure that product reviews remain a trustworthy and unbiased source of information for your customers.
Consider the following guidelines when collecting and replying to reviews from your customers:
- Ensure that you abide by Shop's prohibited behavior and content policies when you communicate with your customers about product reviews.
- If you encourage your customers to leave a review, then you need to do so in a neutral manner. You shouldn’t solicit positive reviews from your customers.
- You shouldn't leave or solicit fake reviews, or reviews that pose a conflict of interest. For example, as a store owner, you, your employees, family members, or friends shouldn't review your products, or incentivize someone else to do so.
- You shouldn't offer compensation in exchange for reviews. This includes money, discounts, free products, or refunds.
- If a customer has already left a review, then you shouldn’t incentivize the customer to change or remove that review. This includes offering incentives such as money, discounts, free products, or refunds.
If you don't follow Shop's product reviews guidelines, then Shop may take appropriate action depending on the severity and number of violations.
Eligibility requirements for displaying reviews on Shop
All reviews must meet certain requirements to display on Shop. This includes reviews that were collected through Shop, as well as reviews that you sync to Shop from a third-party partner app.
Before reviews are published to Shop, Shop checks your reviews to ensure that they meet the following eligibility requirements:
- The review abides by Shop's Prohibited behaviors and content policies.
- The review is directly related to the product purchased, or the Shop Store that the purchase was made from.
- The review doesn't contain ads, links, or promotional content.
- The review has a rating between 1 and 5, and contains an author display name.
- The review isn't submitted by someone with a conflict of interest, including someone who is affiliated with your business, including friends and family, or a competing business.
- There is only one review for a product per purchase.
- The review is authentic, and isn't artificially created by a bot or other automation. For more information, refer to the Shopify Consumer Terms of Service.
- The review doesn't contain false, misleading, or inaccurate information.
If you sync reviews to Shop from a third-party partner app, then there are additional requirements that your app partner-collected reviews must meet in order to display in Shop. For more details, refer to Eligibility requirements for displaying partner app-collected reviews on Shop.