Choose a store to use with B2B

Unlike the Plus wholesale channel, B2B on Shopify is built into your Shopify admin, which means that you aren't required to have a separate storefront for your wholesale business.

The first step to migrating from the Plus wholesale channel to B2B on Shopify is deciding whether you want to set up B2B on the same store that you currently have integrated with the Plus wholesale channel, or whether you want to set up B2B on a new, separate store.

One consideration to help you decide is whether you want to run a blended store, which accepts both business-to-business (B2B) and direct-to-consumer (DTC) orders, or a dedicated store that is used only by B2B customers. Learn more about the differences between blended and dedicated stores.

If you decide to set up B2B on Shopify on a new, separate store, then you need to move your Plus wholesale channel data, such as customers, orders, themes, and price lists to that store before you can start setting up B2B.

Moving customers, orders, and theme data from a existing store to a new, separate store

To move customers, orders, and theme data from your current store to a new, separate store, you might consider the following options:

Moving price lists from an existing store to a new, separate store

To move price lists from your current wholesale store to a separate store, you might consider the following option:


  1. From the wholesale channel, copy your existing price lists to B2B catalogs. Don't select the option to assign catalogs to companies.
  2. From your Shopify admin, export the catalogs that you want to add to your new B2B store.
  3. Navigate to the Shopify admin for the store where you plan to set up B2B, and import the catalogs that you want to add.
  4. Optional: Assign catalogs to companies in bulk using Manage locations on any catalog, or by using the bulk action on Companies.
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