Password page

The password page displays when a customer visits your website and password protection is active on your online store.

By default, the password page has its own Password header and Password footer sections in the theme editor, and the page also contains an Email signup banner section.

Password header section settings

The Password header section displays a different header on the password page from the one that you set for the rest of your online store.

The settings for the Password header section on the password page
Color schemeA set of colors that you can apply to this section. Learn more about color schemes.

Email signup banner section

The Email signup banner section is intended to provide a way for customers to subscribe to your email marketing from the password page so that they can learn more about your business, such as when your online store will open.

This section also has a Heading block, a Paragraph block, and an Email form block by default.

Email signup banner section settings

The settings for the Email signup banner section on the password page
Background imageSet the background image for the Email signup banner section.
Image overlay opacityDarkens the background image with an overlay. Use the range slider to set the opacity of the overlay. The slider defaults to 0%, which is no overlay.
Show background imageSelect or deselect this option to either display the background image or hide it.
Banner heightSet the height of the Email signup banner section using the drop-down menu. Choose from Adapt to image, Small, Medium, or Large.
Desktop content positionSet the positioning of the Email signup banner text content and email form for desktop computers.
Show container on desktopPlaces the Email signup banner text content and email form in a container on top of the background image when displayed on desktop computers.
Desktop content alignmentSet the alignment of the Email signup banner text content and email form on desktop computers. Choose Left, Center, or Right.
Color schemeA set of colors that you can apply to the content container for the text and email form, when the content container is set to be visible for desktop computers and when it's set to be below the background image for mobile devices. Learn more about color schemes.
Mobile content alignmentSet the alignment of the Email signup banner text content and email form on mobile devices. Choose Left, Center, or Right.
Show content below image on mobileSelect or deselect this option to display the text content and email form either below or on top of the background image on mobile devices.

Heading block

The settings for the Heading block in the Email signup banner section on the password page
HeadingThe title of the section.
Heading sizeThe size of the title text. Choose from Small, Medium, Large, Extra Large, or Extra extra large.

Paragraph block

The settings for the Paragraph block in the Email signup banner section on the password page
DescriptionThe text content of the section.
Text styleThe style you choose for the Description text, which dictates its size. Choose either Body or Subtitle.

Email form block

The Email form block displays the email form field where customers can enter their email address. This block has no customizable settings.

The Password footer section displays a different footer on the password page from the one that you set for the rest of your online store.

The settings for the Password footer section on the password page
Color schemeA set of colors that you can apply to this section. Learn more about color schemes.
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