Creating and editing pages

You can create new pages for your online store in your Shopify admin, and manage the content and visibility of existing pages.

After you create or edit a page, you can preview the page to review how the page displays on your online store. You might have to reload the browser to view saved changes.

To display pages in your online store navigation, you can add a link to it in a menu.

Add a new page to your online store

  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Online Store > Pages.

  2. Click Add page.

  3. Enter a title and content for the page. Be descriptive and clear when choosing your page title. Your page title is displayed in the tab or title bar of browsers, and also in search engine results.

  4. In the Visibility section, select whether the page should be published.

    • To make the page, keep Visible selected. By default, your new page is visible after you click Save.
    • To hide the page, select Hidden to hide the page from your online store.
    • Optional: To set a specific publish date for the hidden page, click the calendar icon and then choose a date and time.
  5. In the Content section, add content for your page.

  6. Click Save.

  1. From the Shopify app, tap the button.

  2. In the Sales channels section, tap Online Store.

  3. Tap Pages.

  4. Tap Add page.

  5. Enter a title and content for the page. Be descriptive and clear when choosing your page title. Your page title is displayed in the tab or title bar of browsers, and also in search engine results.

  6. In the Visibility section, select whether the page should be published.

    • To make the page, keep Visible selected. By default, your new page is visible after you click Save.
    • To hide the page, select Hidden to hide the page from your online store.
    • Optional: To set a specific publish date for the hidden page, click the calendar icon to control when your page is published.
  7. In the Content section, add content for your page.

  8. Tap Save.

  1. From the Shopify app, tap the button.

  2. In the Sales channels section, tap Online Store.

  3. Tap Pages.

  4. Tap Add page.

  5. Enter a title and content for the page. Be descriptive and clear when choosing your page title. Your page title is displayed in the tab or title bar of browsers, and also in search engine results.

  6. In the Visibility section, select whether the page should be published.

    • To make the page, keep Visible selected. By default, your new page is visible after you click Save.
    • To hide the page, select Hidden to hide the page from your online store.
    • Optional: To set a specific publish date for the hidden page, click the calendar icon to control when your page is published.
  7. In the Content section, add content for your page.

  8. Tap .

Add content to a page

The rich text editor displays text in the Content field in the same style that it displays on your store. You can format your text and change the text color by choosing options in the rich text editor. You can also insert the following elements into a page:

  • links
  • tables
  • images
  • videos

Learn more about the rich text editor.

To edit the HTML code for the page, click the </> button to view the HTML and make changes:

Highlights show HTML

You can add a link to a page to direct customers to another page in your online store or to an external link.


  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Online Store > Pages.

  2. Click the name of the page that you want to edit, or create a new page.

  3. In the Content field, enter text to transform into a link.

  4. Highlight the link text, and then click the Insert link button:

    Highlights insert page link

  5. Enter a web address in the Link to field. Enter a descriptive Link title to help with search engine optimization and accessibility.

  6. Click Save.

Add a Google map to a page

You can add a Google map for an address to a page in your online store. For example, it's a good idea to add a map to your About us page to display your retail location:


  1. In Google Maps, enter the address that you want to map.
  2. Click the Share icon to open sharing options.
  3. Click Embed map to create your embed code.
  4. Choose the map size that you want, then copy the code in the text box. The code begins with <iframe src= and is a tag written in HTML which embeds the map.
  5. From your Shopify admin, go to Online Store > Pages.
  6. Click the title of the page where you want to display your map.
  7. In the Content toolbar, click the </> button to view HTML code for your page:
    Highlights the show html
  8. Paste the code that you copied from Google Maps into the Content box. You can embed the map at the bottom of your page by pasting the code after any existing content, or elsewhere on your page.
  9. Click Show Editor to switch back to the page editor from the HTML viewer and preview your map.
  10. Click Save.

Automatically generate content for a page

You can use Shopify Magic to automatically generate a title and content for your page. By default, American English is the dialect used for content suggestions. The language data that AI uses is largely from North American sources, so generated content might contain vocabulary and expressions that are local to that region. You can change any part of the content suggestions to match what your customers would expect.

Shopify Magic generates only the text for your pages. Any other interactive elements can be manually added. For example, if you're creating a contact page, then you might need to use custom code to create a functional contact form.


  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Online Store > Pages.

  2. Click Add page.

  3. Do any of the following:

    • To generate a page title, in the Title field, click the Generate text icon, and then write a description of what the page is about.
    • To generate page content, in the rich text editor of the Content section, click the Generate text icon, and then complete the following steps:
      1. Write a description of what the page is about.
      2. Optional: Select a new tone from the Tone drop-down menu. Learn more about choosing a tone.
      3. Optional: Click the Special instructions icon and write any additional instructions that you want to add in the Special instructions field. Refer to Using special instructions for information about the types of instructions you can provide.
  4. Click Generate.

  5. Optional: Do any of the following:

    • Click Generate again to view the different results.
    • Select a different tone or modify your prompt, and then click Generate again.
  6. Click Keep to add the suggested content to your page.

  7. Optional: Edit and format the generated content to match your brand.

  8. Click Save.

After you generate content for a page, you can complete the remaining steps to add a new page to publish it to your online store.

Edit a page

If you want to correct typos, add new information, or make changes to content, then you can edit a page.


  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Online Store > Pages.

  2. Click the title of the page.

  3. Make your changes to the existing page content or settings.

  4. Click Save.

Edit the search engine listing for a page

You can edit the text that's displayed in search engine results for a page. Descriptive titles and descriptions can help new customers find your online store and convince them to click the link. Learn more about search engine optimization.

When you make changes to a page's search engine listing, you can preview how it might display in search engine results.

If you enter more than 70 characters for a title, or 160 characters for a description, then your text might get cut off in search engine results.

You can make changes to the web address for your page, but in most cases you won't need to. If you do make changes, then you have a pre-selected option to Create a URL redirect, and the old web address redirects to the new web address.


  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Online Store > Pages.

  2. Click the title of the page that you want to edit the search engine listing for.

  3. In the Search engine listing preview section, click the pencil icon.

  4. Enter or edit any of the following fields:

    • In the Page title field, enter a descriptive title. The title is displayed as a link in search engine results.
    • In the Meta description field, enter a description. Consider including relevant keywords and your store's name to help new customers find your page.
    • In the URL handle field, you can change part of the web address. It can't contain any spaces. You can enter dashes (-) between separate words instead of spaces.
  5. Click Save.

Delete a page

If you delete a page that you use in your store's navigation, then the associated menu item is also deleted. For example, if you delete a Wholesale Inquiries page that you use in a Wholesale menu item, then both of them are deleted.

You can also use bulk actions to delete more than one page at a time.


  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Online Store > Pages.

  2. Click the title of the page that you want to delete.

  3. Click the Delete page.

  4. Click Delete.

Change page visibility in bulk

You can update the visibility setting for multiple pages on your online store at the same time from the Online Store > Pages section of your Shopify admin.

You can use the search and filter options to search for pages by title keywords, or use the Visibility filter to display pages by visibility status.


  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Online Store > Pages.

  2. Select the pages that you want to publish.

  3. Use either of the following options to change the visibilty of the pages:

    • To make all selected pages visible, click Set as visible.
    • To hide all selected pages, click Set as hidden.
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