Show content based on customers' locations

You can add a custom message to the order status page that is displayed only to customers with shipping addresses in a certain region. For example, you can choose to display a message only to customers who live in New York, USA. You can specify as many locations as you like.


  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Settings > Checkout.
  2. In the Additional scripts text box, paste the following sample code:
{% if checkout.shipping_address.country_code == 'US' and checkout.shipping_address.province_code == 'NY' %}
    '<h2>YOUR TITLE HERE</h2>',
    '<p>YOUR MESSAGE HERE</p>'
{% endif %}
  1. Edit the code to specify where customers must be to receive the custom message. To do this, you need to edit the country and state abbreviations inside the Liquid {% if %} statement at the top of the code block. The message in the example above is set to display for customers who live in New York, USA.
    • To display the message to customers in a different state, replace NY with the state abbreviation of your choice. To find the postal abbreviation to use for a US state, you can check this list of state abbreviations from USPS.
    • To display the message to customers in New York as well as another state, add and checkout.shipping_address.province_code == 'XX' where XX is the state abbreviation of your choice. To add more states, repeat this step.
    • To display the message to customers in a different country, replace US with the country abbreviation of your choice. You also need to replace NY with a state or province abbreviation in the new country. If you prefer not to specify a state, then delete the following: and checkout.shipping_address.province_code == 'NY'.
    • For additional guidance on writing Liquid if statements, see the Liquid reference on Control flow tags.
  2. Place a test order to view the results on the order status page.

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