Viewing stores

You can view and filter a list of the stores in your organization. The store list includes the following information:

  • store identifier
  • name
  • primary domain

If your store is on the Shopify Plus plan, then the following information is also included:

  • type
  • status

On this page

Store status

A store's status is either active or pending Shopify Plus contract addition. By default, only active stores are displayed in the Stores section of the Organization settings. To review pending stores, click Pending.

Descriptions of store statuses.

Active stores are fully activated stores.

An active store isn't necessarily open to the public. Some setup for a new store might be required, such as adding products, staff, or sales channels.

Pending contract addition

Pending stores are newly created stores that might exceed your contract limits.

Pending stores become active after the request has been processed by Shopify and you've approved any additional charges.

Store type

A store's type is its general purpose. The type might affect the billing or setup of the store, but won't restrict its features or capabilities. This feature is only available on the Shopify Plus plan.

Description of store types.
Store typeDescription
Production storeA production store is a store created to sell your products.
DevelopmentA development store created to let merchants experiment with themes, branding, or custom coding. Development stores aren't intended for selling products.
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