Searching, filtering, and sorting your inventory transfers list
All your inventory transfers are listed on the Products > Transfers page of your Shopify admin. A list of 50 transfers are included on each page. To organize the list of transfers, and to find transfers in a list that spans many pages, you can sort, search, and filter the list.
On this page
Sort your transfers list
By default, files are listed from newest to oldest based on the date that they were uploaded.
You can change the sort order of your transfers list to any of the following options:
Sorting option | Value | Description |
Created | Sorted by date from Newest first or Oldest first. | This option displays transfers in the order that they were created. |
Estimated arrival date | Sorted by date from Earliest first or Latest first. | This option displays transfers in the order of their estimated arrival date. By default, the transfers list is sorted by Estimated arrival date: Latest first. |
Origin | Sorted alphabetically from A-Z or Z-A. | This option displays transfers by their location of origin in alphabetical order. |
Destination | Sorted alphabetically from A-Z or Z-A. | This option displays transfers by their destination location in alphabetical order. |
Status | Sorted by status from Ascending or Descending. | This option displays transfers by status. A transfer can have any of the following statuses, listed by ascending order:
From your Shopify admin, go to Products > Transfers.
Click the ⇅ sort button.
Select a sort option.
Filter your transfer list
By default, all your transfers are listed on the Transfers page of your Shopify admin. You can filter this list to display a smaller subset of transfers.
Filtering your transfers list can help you find the specific transfer that you need to review, update, or cancel. The following filter options are available:
- Status - Filters transfers with a Draft, Pending, Partial, or Received status.
- Origin - Filters transfers by origin location.
- Destination - Filters transfers by destination location.
- Tagged with - Displays the transfers that are tagged with the specified value.
The Status, Origin, and Destination filters are displayed by default. To add the Tagged with filter, click Add filter +, and then select Tagged with.
Search for a transfer
You can search for transfers based on words in the transfer details, such as transfer number, origin name, destination location name, or transferred products. To search, click the sort and filter button on the Transfers page, and then use the search bar to enter the specific search terms.
Save a transfers search or filtered transfers list
When you search for or filter your transfers, you can save the search or filter so that you can use it again later.
After you set up your filters or search for words, click Save as to give your search a name, and then click Save view.
The next time that you need to find the transfer that matches the same search words or filters, click or tap the tab that is labelled with the search view name. The transfers list will immediately update with the subset of transfers.