Product Reviews app migration

As of May 6, 2024, the Product Reviews app is no longer available to install or use. If you've exported reviews from the Product Reviews app, then you can import your reviews into a different product review app. You might need to uninstall and remove Product Reviews app blocks, sections, or code snippets from your theme.

You can use any product review app that's available on the Shopify App Store. Shopify has partnered with the following five apps that can help sync your reviews between channels, including your online store and the Shop app:

Import your Product Reviews app reviews to your new product review app

The steps to migrate your product reviews to a new app depend on the app that you choose to migrate to. For assistance importing your reviews, refer to the app's documentation, or contact their support team.

If you're migrating to, Loox, Okendo, or Stamped,io, or Yotpo, then refer to the following documentation depending on which app you choose:

After you import your product reviews, view your online store to confirm that your imported reviews display on your product listings.

Product review CSV files

Exported reviews from the Product Reviews app are formatted into a CSV spreadsheet file. The following table describes the headers of the spreadsheet and types of information that belong in each column:

Product review spreadsheet headers
Header nameProduct review information
product_handleThis is the tail end of your product's URL. For example, if your product displays on your online store at, then the product_handle is blue-t-shirt.
stateThe status of the review, such as approved or published.
ratingA score from 0-5, where 5 represents the most positive product review.
titleA short, bolded title summarizing the customer's experience. For example, "Awesome!"
authorThe first and last name connected to the customer account that submitted the review.
emailThe customer's email address.
locationThe customer's address, such as their city and country.
bodyA longer description of the customer's experience. They can elaborate on what they liked or didn't like about your product.
replyAn optional response to the review.
created_atThe date and time when the product review was created by the customer.
replied_atThe date and time when the reply was created.

Uninstall the Shopify Product Reviews app

After you import your reviews to a new product reviews app and have confirmed that they display on your online store, uninstall the Product Reviews app.

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