Managing Shopify Subscriptions app settings
You can manage billing attempt settings, subscription management for your customers, and re-install the subscription widget from the Settings page of the Shopify Subscription app.
On this page
Customer subscription management
If you have customer accounts active, then customers can log in to their account from your online store menu and manage their subscriptions. If you have legacy customer accounts, then you can share the subscription management URL to give customers access to manage their own subscriptions.
Customers with customer accounts or legacy customer accounts can manage their subscriptions by clicking Manage your subscription from your automated subscription email notifications.
Turn on subscription management in your Shopify admin settings to allow customers to manage their subscriptions.
From your Shopify admin, go to Settings > Customer accounts.
In the Customer accounts section, turn on the Subscription management toggle button.
Learn more about Subscription management for customers.
Billing attempts
If a product in a subscription contract doesn't have enough inventory to create an order, then you can adjust the number of billing reattempts and the interval between reattempts in the case of a failed payment capture, and choose if your subscription products track inventory.
You can also choose to skip, pause, or cancel the subscription when all retry attempts have failed. A notification is sent to your customer in each case.
- In the Subscriptions app, click Settings.
- In the Billing attempts section, make any combination of the following changes for either Payment method failure, Not enough inventory, or both:
- Adjust the Number of retry attempts.
- Adjust the Days between payment retry attempts.
- Choose an Action when all retry attempts have failed.
- Click Save.
From the Shopify app, tap the … button.
In the Apps section, tap Subscriptions > Settings.
In the Billing attempts section, make any combination of the following changes for either Payment method failure, Not enough inventory, or both:
- Adjust the Number of retry attempts.
- Adjust the Days between payment retry attempts.
- Choose an Action when all retry attempts have failed.
Tap Save.
From the Shopify app, tap the ☰ button.
In the Apps section, tap Subscriptions > Settings.
In the Billing attempts section, make any combination of the following changes for either Payment method failure, Not enough inventory, or both:
- Adjust the Number of retry attempts.
- Adjust the Days between payment retry attempts.
- Choose an Action when all retry attempts have failed.
- From the Shopify app, tap the ☰ button.
Subscription management URL
The subscription management URL is the link where customers can access the subscription management page. You can add the subscription management URL anywhere you want to give customers an entry point to the subscriptions management page, including email notifications and your online store's menus.
Shopify Subscription notifications
With Shopify Subscriptions, you can receive, send, and modify subscription email notifications. You can activate or deactivate the subscription email notifications you receive, and the email notifications that you send to your customers. Email notifications are activated by default.
From your Shopify admin, go to Settings > Notifications.
Under Customer notifications in the Subscriptions section, select email notifications to activate them, or deselect to deactivate them. Your selections are saved automatically.
Under Staff order notifications in the Subscriptions section, select email notifications to activate them, or deselect to deactivate them. Your selections are saved automatically.
Learn more about notifications, and editing notifications.
Uninstall Shopify Subscriptions
If you uninstall the Shopify Subscriptions app, then you can't view or access features of the app any further. Any subscription plans and contracts that you created in the app, as well as any discounts that use Shopify Subscriptions, are deleted and no longer accessible.