Setting up Shopify Subscriptions

After you install the Shopify Subscriptions app and set up subscription plans, your customers can make scheduled purchases on a recurring basis. You can manage all of your subscription plans and contracts within the Shopify Subscriptions app, and then display your subscription plans on your online store. The Shopify Subscriptions app also adds a new subscription policy and subscription email notifications to your store.

After you set up Shopify Subscriptions for your store, and create subscription plans for your products, you might need to modify subscription plans or contracts, update customer details, or adjust upcoming orders.

Display subscriptions on your online store

After you set up subscription plans, you can add a subscription widget to your product page. Subscription details display on the product, cart, and thank you pages.

Online Store 2.0 themes


  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Online Store > Themes.

  2. Click Customize next to the theme that you want to add the subscription widget to.

  3. Select an existing product template, or create a new template to add the subscription widget to.

  4. Under Product information, click Add block, and then select Subscription widget.

  5. Optional: Customize the subscription widget to match your store's theme.

  6. Click Save.

  1. From the Shopify app, tap the button.

  2. In the Sales Channels section, tap Online Store.

  3. Tap Customize next to the theme that you want to add the subscription widget to.

  4. Select an existing product template, or create a new template to add the subscription widget to.

  5. Under Product information, tap Add block, and then tap Subscription widget.

  6. Optional: Customize the subscription widget to match your store's theme.

  7. Tap Save.

  1. From the Shopify app, tap the button.

  2. In the Sales Channels section, tap Online Store.

  3. Tap Customize next to the theme that you want to add the subscription widget to.

  4. Select an existing product template, or create a new template to add the subscription widget to.

  5. Under Product information, tap Add block, and then tap Subscription widget.

  6. Optional: Customize the subscription widget to match your store's theme.

  7. Tap .

Vintage themes

The subscription widget is only supported on the following vintage themes:

  • Debut on version 15.0 or later
  • Brooklyn on version 17.0 or later


  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Online Store > Themes.

  2. Click > Edit code next to the theme that you want to add the subscription widget to.

  3. In the product-template.liquid file, add the following code snippet where you want the subscription widget to display on your product page.

<div class="subscriptions_app_embed_block"></div>
  1. Click Save, and then click Exit.
  2. Click Customize next to the same theme.
  3. On the sidebar, click the App embeds icon, and then click the toggle beside Subscription widget to turn the widget on.
  4. Optional: Customize the subscription widget to match your store's theme.
  5. Click Save.

Learn more about customizing themes and editing theme code.

Adding a subscription policy

If you've set up a subscription, then a new Purchase options cancelation policy is automatically added to your store. This policy is linked in the cart page and in the Express checkout section of the checkout as a cancelation policy, and in the checkout footer as Subscription policy.

If you leave the policy in the Shopify admin settings blank, then a default template is displayed to customers.

At checkout, customers must agree to the cancelation policy terms before they can complete their purchase.

Edit your store policies to update the Purchase options cancelation policy that's displayed to your customers.

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