Searching for products and filtering your product list

All your products are listed in the Products area in Shopify. A list of 50 products are listed on each page. To organize the list of products, and to find products in a list that spans many pages, you can sort, search, and filter the list.

The way that your products are sorted or filtered in the Products area of the admin doesn't affect how your products are displayed in other apps or sales channels, such as on your online store. If you need to change the way that your products display to customers in your online store, then change the sort order for the products in a collection.

Sort your product list

You can sort your product list to help you find the products that you need to update or review. For example, to view which of your products are running low in stock, you can sort your product list by inventory.

By default, your product list is sorted by created date, starting from the newest product. You can change the sort order of your product list to a different sorting option, or invert the order of the sort order. For example, you can change the default created date to display the oldest product first instead of the newest.

You can change the sort order of your product list to any of the following options:

Shopify admin product list sorting options
Sorting optionValueDescription
Product titleSorted alphabetically from A-Z or Z-A.This option displays products by title in alphabetical order.
CreatedSorted by date from Newest first or Oldest first.This option displays products in the order that they were created. By default, the product list is sorted by Created: Newest first.
UpdatedSorted by date from Newest first or Oldest first.This option displays products in the order that they were last updated.
InventorySorted by amount from Lowest to highest or Highest to lowest.This option displays products by inventory quantity.
Product typeSorted alphabetically from A-Z or Z-A.This option displays products by product type in alphabetical order.
Publishing errorSorted by date from Newest first or Oldest first.This option displays products by publishing errors in the order of the date that the error occured.
VendorSorted alphabetically from A-Z or Z-A.This option displays products by vendor in alphabetical order.


  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Products.

  2. Click the sort button.

  3. Select a sort option.

Filter your product list

By default, all your products are listed on the Products area of your Shopify admin. You can filter this list to display a smaller subset of the products.

Filtering your product list can help you find the specific products that you need to edit, review, or update. The following filter options are available:

  • Product vendor - Displays the products that are from the selected product vendor.
  • Tagged with - Displays the products that are tagged with the specified value.
  • Status - Displays the products with an archived, active or draft status.
  • Suspensions - Displays the products with a suspension or pending suspension status.
  • Sales channel - Displays the products that are included in or excluded from a sales channel.
  • Market - Displays the products that are included in or excluded from a market.
  • B2B catalog - Displays the products that are included in or excluded from a B2B catalog.
  • Product category - Displays the products that are of the selected standard product category.
  • Product type - Displays the products that are of the selected product type.
  • Collection - Displays the products that are available in a collection.
  • Publishing error - If you use sales channels other than Online Store, then this displays the products that have publishing errors on the sales channel that you select.
  • Gift card - Displays the gift card products available for your store.
  • Metafields - Displays the products that have a specific metafield value. To use this feature, you must have Use as filter in admin activated in your metafield definition.
  • Title - Displays products with titles matching text input into the search bar.

For example, if you sell clothing and want to view a list of only your T-shirts, then you can filter by the product type T-shirt. Only the products of that type will then be displayed in the product list, making it easier for you to review and update that subset of products.

If you add more than one filter, then only the products that match all of the conditions are displayed.

If you have products that need attention for compliance related concerns, then an automated pre-filtered Suspensions view is displayed.



  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Products.

  2. Click the search and filter icon.

  3. Click +.

  4. Select a filter category to filter your products by.

  5. Select a value for the specific filter. The values available to you are different depending on the filter that you select.

  6. Optional: To save this view, click Save as to enter a name for the saved view, and then click Save view.

  1. From the Shopify app, go to Products > All products.
  2. Tap the filter icon.
  3. On the Filters screen, tap to select the filters that you want to add.
  4. Selected filters display on the Filters screen. Tap the x next to any filter to remove it.
  1. From the Shopify app, go to Products > All products.
  2. Tap the filter icon.
  3. On the Filters screen, tap to select filters you want to add.
  4. Selected filters display on the Filters screen. Tap the x next to any filter to remove it.

Search for a product


To find products based on words that are in their titles, descriptions, or tags, click the sort and filter button on the Products page, and then use the search bar to enter the specific search terms.


  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Products.

  2. Enter the search words into the field labelled Searching all products. The product list automatically refreshes to display only the products that have the words in the product titles, descriptions, and tags.


You can use the search bar on the Products screen to find products by words that are in their titles, descriptions, or tags.

To search your products:

  1. From the Shopify app, go to Products.
  2. Tap the search bar.
  3. Enter the search words.
  4. Shopify finds the products that have the search words in their title, description, or tags, and then displays them in a list below the search bar. Do one of the following actions:
    • Tap a product to go to its details screen
    • Tap x to clear the search bar so that you can enter a new search term.
    • Tap Close to return to the Products screen.

You can use the search bar on the Products screen to find products by words that are in their titles, description, or tags.

To search your products:

  1. From the Shopify app, go to Products.
  2. Tap the search button.
  3. Enter the search words in the search bar, or tap the barcode icon to scan a product barcode with your device's camera.
  4. Shopify finds the products that have that the search words in their title, description, or tags, and then displays them in a list below the search bar. Do one of the following:
    • Tap a product to go to its details screen.
    • Tap the x button to enter a new search term.
    • Tap the back arrow to return to the Products screen.

Search queries for products

You can search for products using a search query to improve the accuracy of your search results.

Refer to Search syntax on to learn more about queries and how you can use them.

Search for products by title

You can search for products by title. Enter title:[search-term] into the search bar and replace the [search-term] with the product title. For example, if you know the exact product title that you're looking for, such as Pitcher, then you can search for title:Pitcher.

If you want to search for titles that contain a word beginning with specific characters, then you can use a prefix search. Prefix searches need to include an asterisk symbol * at the end of the search term that you're searching for. For example, searching with the query title:ani* could return the product titles 'Animals of the Jungle' Documentary, 'Best Animated Films (2000)' Box Set, and Mouse Animatronic, but wouldn't return the product title 'Baking with Vanilla' DVD.

Searching for a specific partial set of characters in the middle or end of a word isn't supported.

Search for products that use a specific metafield

You can search for products by metafield. In this example, you have a metafield for your products with a custom material definition that has Use as filter in admin activated. The metafield value in the product is silk.

To search for the products that use the silk metafield value, limit the results to products, and then search for:


Learn more about metafields.

Search for a product tag

To display products tagged with new, search for:


However, if the word in your product tag is used in other tags, for example New Zealand, then you need to exclude results for those other tags. Limit the results to products, and then search for:

tag:new AND NOT tag:"new zealand"

Save a product search or filtered product list

When you search for or filter your products, you can save the search or filter so that you can use it again later.

After you set up your filters or search for words, click Save as to give your search a name, and then click Save view.

The search is saved as a tab on the Products page on desktop, and the products screen in the app.

The next time that you need to find the products that match the same search words or filters, click or tap the tab that is labelled with the search view name. The product list will immediately update with the subset of product.

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