Set up Shopify Collabs

Shopify Collabs helps you recruit creators and brand ambassadors to increase sales and brand awareness.

You can use your Shopify Collabs online store page to share details about your program with creators and brand fans and to collect applications. You can customize the images and text on your online store page to match your brand, and set up survey questions to get to know your applicants before accepting them into your program.

You can also join Collabs Network to work with Collabs-vetted creators on an affiliate level. To opt in, you set a commission rate on either all products or at the collection level, which allows your products to be displayed to creators in their discovery experience. Creators can search for your products and can save and generate product links without the need for approval, allowing creators to begin sharing links and generating sales instantly.

Shopify Collabs is available on all Shopify plans except for the Starter and Retail plans. Learn more about pricing plans. If you are eligible to use Shopify Flow, then you can integrate Shopify Collabs, and automate your Collabs process.

Create your account

You can install Shopify Collabs from the Shopify App Store. Learn how to install an app.

Before you customize and set up your Shopify Collabs account, you need to sign up for an account:

  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Settings > Apps and sales channels.

  2. Click Shopify Collabs.

  3. Click Open app.

  4. Review and accept the terms and conditions for using Shopify Collabs.

  5. Check the pre-filled email address that you want to use for Collabs notifications.

  6. To help Collabs match you with creators, you need to identify the following:

    • Your brand's product category.
    • The primary audience of your brand.
    • The countries that you are interested in working with creators from. This will be prefilled to match your primary market.
  7. Click Finish setup.

Now that your Shopify Collabs account is active, you can begin crafting your profile and working with creators.

Complete your profile

Your Collabs profile is used to let creators know more about your brand, and what you offer.

Step 1: Brand details

Information that you enter in the Brand details section is displayed as part of your brand page.

  1. From the Shopify Collabs dashboard, click Edit profile in the Overview section.
  2. Shopify Collabs uses the square logo set in your Shopify brand settings. If you want to change your logo, then click Edit logo, and update your logo.
  3. In the Brand values section, click Add values to select your brand's values.
  4. Click Done.
  5. In the Media section, click Add media to add up to 4 images that represent your brand's style.
  6. Click Done.

Step 2: Partnership Information

Partnership information helps creators know more about what you offer in your Collabs community:

  1. From the Shopify Collabs dashboard, click Edit profile in the Overview section.
  2. In the Partnership information section, enter a description in the How you work with creators field. Tell creators about working with your brand, and what they can expect from the partnership.
  3. Select the functions that you want to offer on Collabs from the list. These are functions that Collabs does support.
  4. Select the functions that you offer outside of Collabs from the list. These are functions that Collabs doesn't currently support.

Step 3: Social media accounts

Connecting your social media accounts lets creators review the type of content that you create and learn more about your brand. The social media accounts that you have listed in your Shopify brand settings are included in Collabs.

Learn more about adding Social media links.

Step 4: Target market

To find the creators that are most relevant to you, you need to set a target market. When you join the Collabs Network, your target market is used to help connect you with creators in a market that matches. Your target market is pre-filled with information from account setup.

Your target market information can be changed any time in your Collabs profile:

  1. From the Shopify Collabs dashboard, click Edit profile in the Overview section.
  2. In the Target market section, select your Product category from the drop-down menu.
  3. Select your Primary audience from the drop-down menu.
  4. In the Location section, click Edit and then choose the countries you want to promote your products in.

Step 5: Profile visibility

There are two ways you can promote your Collabs community and work with creators in Collabs:

  • Collabs Network: Join the Collabs Network to instantly share your products with vetted creators who can sell your products.
  • Online store page: Add your Collabs profile to your online store to give your customers the opportunity to collaborate.

Application Survey

To learn more about creators, set up a custom survey for creators applying from your Collabs online store page:

  1. In the Where creators find you section, click the gear icon beside Online store page to Edit the form creators fill out to help you decide who’s a good fit.
  2. On the Questions page, edit and add questions that you want to ask your applicants when they apply to work with you.
  3. Optional: If you Add a question, then enter the information in the required fields.
  4. Click Save.
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