Manage forms
After you create a form, you can take actions to manage your forms from the main app page, such as activating, renaming, or deleting a form. You can also view analytics about your forms and create customer segments.
For an active form to display on your store, you need to have the Forms theme app embed installed on your store.
On this page
Activate a form
After you create a form, it's automatically activated on your store. If you've deactivated a form, then you can follow the steps to activate the form again.
- From your Shopify admin, go to Apps > Forms.
- Click … beside the form that you want to activate.
- Click Turn on.
Forms can also be activated from a specific form's page. Click the form that you want to activate, and then click Turn form on.
Deactivate a form
- From your Shopify admin, go to Apps > Forms.
- Click … beside the form that you want to deactivate.
- Click Turn off.
Forms also can be deactivated from a specific form's page. Click the form that you want to deactivate, and then click Turn form off.
Rename a form
- From your Shopify admin, go to Apps > Forms.
- Click … beside the form that you want to rename.
- Click Rename form.
- Enter the new name for the form.
- Click Save.
Forms also can be renamed from a specific form's page. Click the form that you want to rename, click More actions, and then click Rename.
Delete a form
- From your Shopify admin, go to Apps > Forms.
- Click … beside the form that you want to delete.
- Click Delete form, and then click Delete form.
Forms can be also deleted from a specific form's page. Click the form that you want to delete, click More actions, click Delete, and then click Delete form.
Turn on notifications for a form
If you want to receive an email notification each time a customer submits a form, then you can turn on notifications in your Forms settings.
- From your Shopify admin, go to Apps > Forms.
- Click the form that you want to manage notifications for.
- In the Email notifications section, check Send an email for each submission to this form.
- Click Save.
Forms analytics
You can view analytics about your forms from the Forms app Overview page in your Shopify admin. This page displays a metrics bar at the top of the page with aggregate data for all your forms, and an index table of metrics for each of your forms.
Aggregate forms data
- Total views: The total number of views across all forms.
- Total submissions: The total submissions from all forms.
- Average completion rate: The total number of forms submissions divided by the total number of views, displayed as a percentage.
Individual form metrics
- Discount: Whether the form has an assigned discount.
- Status: Whether the form is active or inactive.
- Views: How many times the form has been viewed.
- Submissions: How many times a customer has successfully filled out and submitted the form. Learn more about viewing form submissions.
- Completion rate: The number of form submissions divided by the total number of views.
By default, the overview displays all of your forms, but you can filter the view to display only the Active or Inactive forms. You can take actions to manage your forms from the main app page, such as activating, renaming, or deleting a form.
View form submissions
After a customer successfully fills out and submits a form, the form submission data is stored in the following locations:
- the Metaobjects page in the Content section of your Shopify admin, where you can view all metaobject entries
- the Metafields section of a customer's profile
You can view either all submissions from your forms, or the submissions for a specific form.
- From your Shopify admin, go to Apps > Forms.
- On the Overview page, do either of the following:
- To view the submissions for all of your forms, click Total submissions in the metrics section.
- To view the submissions for a specific form, click the title of the form that you want to view, and then click Submissions in the metrics section.
Create a customer segment
You can create a customer segment for each of your forms. After you create a customer segment from a form, you can use the segment to send an email to those customers, or give those customers a discount.
- From your Shopify admin, go to Apps > Forms.
- Click the form that you want to create a customer segment for.
- Click View segment.
- Optional: In the New segment field, apply any additional filters that you want to add to the customer segment.
- Click Apply, and then click Save segment.
- On the Save as new segment dialog, in the Segment name field, enter a name for your segment, and then click Save.
- Optional: Click Use segment, and then follow the prompts to send an email or discount to the customers in your segment.