
With Shopify’s Shopcodes app, you can generate QR codes that your customers can scan to browse or buy products. A QR code generated with the Shopcodes app is connected to a specific product, and can have one of the following type of link:

  • Link to a product page to link to the product page on your online store. Customers can scan this QR code to learn additional information about your product.
  • Link to checkout page with product in the cart to create a checkout with the selected product. You can also automatically add a discount code to provide customers who scan the code with a special promotion.

You can download generated QR codes as a zip file, which contains a PNG file recommended for sharing online, and an SVG file which is best for sharing in print.

Install the Shopcode app

The Shopcode app requires the following permissions:

  • access products, product listings, and collections
  • access orders
  • manage marketing events
  • access other data, such as price rules


  1. Go to the Shopcodes app page.
  2. Click Add app. If you aren't logged into your Shopify account, then you are prompted to log in.
  3. Click Install app.

Create a Shopcode to generate QR codes

When you create a QR code, you can set up the code to direct customers to a product page on your online store, or send them directly to your checkout with the selected product already.

Create a Shopcode from the Shopcodes app

You can create new Shopcodes to generate QR codes for any existing product in your Shopify admin from the Shopcodes app.


  1. From your Shopify admin, click Settings > Apps and sales channels.

  2. Click Shopcodes.

  3. Click Create Shopcode.

  4. Enter a title for the QR code.

  5. Choose one of the following options for Scan Destination:

    • Select Link to a product page to link to the product page.
    • Select Link to checkout page with product in the cart and choose a link that you want the QR code to take your customers to when they scan it.
  6. Optional: Select any of the following optional settings:

    • Choose a specific Variant to add to the cart. If the product doesn't have variants, then the Default Title variant will be selected.
    • If you want to apply a discount code, select a discount in the Discount section, and then click Save.
    • Check Include help text in the Shopcode? to display the help text above the QR code.
  7. Click Create.

  8. Click Download to download the QR codes.

Create a Shopcode from a product page

You can create a QR code for a specific product using the Shopcodes app directly from that product's product details page. If you want to create a Shopcode for a different product, then you can create the Shopcode from the Shopcodes app instead.


  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Products.

  2. Click the product that you want to generate a QR for.

  3. Click More actions, and then select Create a Shopcode.

  4. Enter a title for the QR code.

  5. Choose one of the following options for Scan Destination:

    • Select Link to a product page to link to the product page.
    • Select Link to checkout page with product in the cart and choose a link that you want the QR code to take your customers to when they scan it.
  6. Optional: Select any of the following optional settings:

    • Choose a specific Variant to add to the cart. If the product doesn't have variants, then the Default Title variant will be selected.
    • If you want to apply a discount code, then select a discount in the Discount section.. Click Save.
    • Check Include help text in the Shopcode to display the help text above the QR code.
  7. Click Create.

  8. Click Download to download the QR codes.

Managing your Shopcodes

Existing Shopcodes can be edited, deleted, or downloaded. You can manage all of your Shopcodes from the Shopcodes app, or manage Shopcodes for a specific product from that products details page.

You can make any of the following edits to an existing Shopcode from the Shopcodes app or the product details page:

  • change the title
  • change the scan destination link
  • change the variant
  • add or remove a discount code
  • include or exclude the help text

You can only make the following changes from the Shopcodes app:

  • change the product connected to the QR code
  • delete the QR code

Edit, delete, or download your Shopcodes from the Shopcodes app


  1. From your Shopify admin, click Settings > Apps and sales channels.

  2. Click Shopcodes.

  3. Click the code that you want to edit or delete.

  4. Complete any of the following actions:

    • To edit the Shopcode, edit any information that you want to change, and then click Save.
    • To re-download the QR codes, click Download.
    • To delete the Shopcode, click Delete Shopcode.

Edit or download a Shopcode from a product page

You can edit the title, scan destination, discounts, or help text setting of the QR codes for a specific product from that product's product details page in the App blocks section.

If you want to delete the Shopcode, or change which product the QR code applies to, then you need to manage QR codes from the Shopcodes app instead. You can click Edit Shopcode and select Open app to navigate directly to the Shopcodes app.


  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Products.

  2. Click the product that you want to generate a QR for.

  3. In the App blocks section on any product page, click + App block and select Shopcodes.

  4. Click the name of the code you want to edit.

  5. Complete any of the following actions:

    • To edit the Shopcode, edit any information that you want to change, then click Save.
    • To re-download the QR codes, click Download.

Common uses for product QR codes

There are many different ways that you can use QR codes to enhance your business.

Use QR codes on your packaging

By incorporating QR codes into your product packaging, you can make it easier for offline shoppers to learn more about your products, or encourage existing customers to make repeat purchases by scanning to go directly to checkout on mobile, with a discount code if you want to reward customer loyalty.

Use QR codes on your retail displays

Displaying a QR code on the windows of your retail store lets you sell even when your doors are closed to customers by directing them to your Shopify store.

Running an event or pop-up where inventory space is limited? Get customers to scan a QR code and purchase your products on their smartphones. Set up shop anywhere offline without having to keep your inventory on hand.

Use QR codes on your marketing materials

QR codes can be used to promote other products or discounts with packaging inserts and through offline advertising materials. Instead of manually typing in your website’s URL, you can take shoppers directly to the product in your Shopify store in as much time as it takes to pull out your phone and scan the code.

Shopcodes analytics

The Sales attributed to marketing and Sessions attributed to marketing analytics for scans and conversions from your Shopcodes from the Shopcodes app.


  1. From your Shopify admin, click Settings > Apps and sales channels.

  2. Click Shopcodes.

  3. From the Shopcodes index page, display either of following analytics by clicking the relevant column:

    • Click Scans next to the code that you want to view a traffic report for.
    • Click Conversions next to the code that you want to view a conversion report for.
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