Data privacy

At Shopify, the privacy of merchants and their customers is held to a high standard. When using Shopify Audiences, we help you to ensure that the data privacy of you and your customers is protected.

The following steps are taken to help ensure that you and your customers have control over shared data, and that your data is kept safe:

The steps taken at Shopify to keep Shopify Audiences data safe
Legal compliance Shopify Audiences is currently available to Shopify Plus merchants in the US and Canada, and was built to enable merchants to comply with applicable privacy laws of the region where the service is available.
Pseudonymised data and hashed audiencesWhen you generate an audience list, the customer information contained within the audience list is hashed before it's sent to the marketing platform. The marketing platform compares their own hashed information to the hashed audience list. When the hashed information of both parties is matched, the ad is able to be delivered to the intended audience.
Choice to participateYou are given the choice to share your customer data to the Shopify Audiences' network by installing the Shopify Audiences app and activating data sharing. You have the ability to deactivate data sharing at any time
Confidential participationTo protect confidential information of your business, no store can find out which other stores use Shopify Audiences. It's not possible for any merchant to create an audience list from another merchant's entire customer base.
Contribution to the networkAt any point in time, each merchant does not share more than 5% to the full Shopify Audiences’ customer pool. This ensures that no single audience list can be reverse engineered to build your customer list.
Request for informationYour customers are eligible to know where and who their information is being shared with. If a customer asks for this information, they can be provided with this information.
Erasing of informationWhen you delete a customer’s personal information, such as when a customer requests to opt out, this information is also deleted from data sharing by your store to the audiences network.
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