Using audiences
After you set up the Shopify Audiences app and connect to an ad platform, audiences are automatically generated and exported to your ad account. The Shopify Audiences app generates and exports several objective-based types of audiences that you can use to target your ad campaigns.
How audiences are generated
Shopify Audiences leverages data and attributes shared by participating Shopify merchants to generate audiences. The Shopify Audiences algorithm identifies millions of customer behavior patterns to match a customer's intent with the unique attributes of your store. These signals are used to generate audiences of potential customers who are selected based on how likely they are to convert.
Version 2.3 (released June 2024)
Shopify Audiences continually improves the algorithms used to generate audiences and optimize ad performance. With this version, you could drive up to two times more retargeting conversions — increase your orders for every marketing dollar you spend on retargeting with our custom Retargeting Boost audiences.
Using an audience
To use an audience, go to your ad account and then either create a new ad set using the audience or add the audience to an existing ad set. If you want to apply filters to the audience, then you can do so on the ad platform.
When you create or modify your ad sets, allow them to run for 1 to 2 weeks before evaluating their performance. This gives a more accurate picture of how well they're performing.
You can use audiences on the following platforms:
- Meta, including Facebook and Instagram
- Google, including Google Search, Google Shopping, Gmail, YouTube, and Google Display Network
- Criteo
- Snapchat
- TikTok
Setting a budget
When setting your budget, it's important to consider the size of your audience. A very low budget might lead to subpar performance, whereas a budget that's too high could increase your CPM (cost per 1000 impressions).
Aim for 2-3 impressions per person each week. Base this on 80% of your total audience size, as it’s unlikely that everyone in your audience will log into the platform in a given week.
To determine your weekly budget, follow these steps:
- Divide your average CPM by 1000 to find your cost per impression.
- Multiply your total audience size by 0.8.
- Multiply the results from step 1 and 2 together.
- Finally, multiply the resulting number by 2 or 3 to get a budget range.
The formula is: (CPM / 1000) * (Audience size * 0.8) * (2 or 3 impressions) = weekly budget
This is just one method to set your budget, and it's important to consider your other campaigns as well.
Types of audiences
The Shopify Audiences app generates unique audiences for each platform. Although the approach to generating the audiences is similar, they're generated to make the most of each platforms' capabilities.
Retargeting Boost
Add this to existing retargeting ad sets to reach more people who’ve engaged with your brand. These people have not purchased from your store yet. This audience is automatically refreshed on Meta with additional potential customers every 1-7 days.
Add this to your new or existing prospecting ad sets. These people are similar to those who have bought your products or complementary products. This audience is automatically refreshed on Meta with additional potential customers every 7-14 days.
Meta Lookalike
Add this to your new or existing prospecting ad sets. This lookalike audience uses the Retargeting Boost audience as a source. The ad platform finds people similar to these people. It includes 3% of Meta users located in the United States and Canada. The audience has an estimated size of 9.1 million. This audience is managed and refreshed by Meta.
Prospecting seed
Add as a source to Performance Max campaigns to help Google target the right customers. This audience is automatically refreshed on Google with additional potential customers every 1-7 days.
Retargeting Boost
Add this to existing retargeting ad sets to reach more people who’ve engaged with your brand. These people have not purchased from your store yet. This audience is automatically refreshed on Criteo with additional potential customers every 1-7 days.
Add this to your new or existing prospecting ad sets. These people are similar to those who have bought your products or complementary products. This audience is automatically refreshed on Criteo with additional potential customers every 7-14 days.
Criteo Lookalike
Add this to your new or existing prospecting ad sets. The Criteo Lookalike audience for Criteo ads is a lookalike segment that Criteo generates using the Retargeting Boost audience as a source.
Shopify Audiences automatically generates a Criteo lookalike segment that includes 100,000 customers located in the United States. This audience is managed and refreshed by Criteo.
Retargeting Boost
Add this to existing retargeting ad groups to reach more people who’ve engaged with your brand. These people have not purchased from your store yet. This audience is automatically refreshed on Pinterest with additional potential customers every 1-7 days.
Add this to your new or existing prospecting ad groups. These people are similar to those who have bought your products or complementary products. This audience is automatically refreshed on Pinterest with additional potential customers every 7-14 days.
Pinterest Lookalike
Add this to your new or existing prospecting ad groups. The Lookalike audience for Pinterest ads is an Actalike audience that Pinterest generates using the Retargeting Boost audience as a source.
Shopify Audiences automatically generates a Pinterest Actalike audience that includes 10% of Pinterest users located in the United States. This audience is managed and refreshed by Pinterest.
Retargeting Boost
Add this to existing retargeting ad sets to reach more people who’ve engaged with your brand. These people have not purchased from your store yet. This audience is automatically refreshed on Snapchat with additional potential customers every 1-7 days.
Add this to your new or existing prospecting ad sets. These people are similar to those who have bought your products or complementary products. This audience is automatically refreshed on Snapchat with additional potential customers every 7-14 days.
Snapchat Lookalike
Add this to your new or existing prospecting ad sets. The Lookalike audience for Snapchat ads is a similarity lookalike audience that Snapchat generates using the Retargeting Boost audience as a source.
Shopify Audiences automatically generates a Snapchat similarity lookalike audience that includes customers in the United States and Canada. This audience is managed and refreshed by Snapchat.
Tiktok Lookalike
Add this to your new or existing prospecting ad groups. The Lookalike audience for TikTok ads is a narrow lookalike audience that TikTok generates using a Shopify Audiences Prospecting audience as a source.
Shopify Audiences automatically generates a TikTok lookalike audience that includes a narrow lookalike size of TikTok users located in the United States. This audience is managed and refreshed by TikTok.