Fraud reports

Fraud reports are compiled based on the data regarding orders that might be or are confirmed to be fraudulent. Fraud reports can't be customized.

Fraud report availability

All fraud reports are available on any Shopify subscription. However, some fraud reports will only display in the Reports list when the appropriate feature is activated.

Feature requirements for specific fraud reports.
RequirementAvailable reports:
All shops
  • Acceptance rate
  • High risk orders rate
  • Orders canceled due to fraud
  • Shops using Shopify Payments
  • Overall chargeback rate
  • Fraudulent chargeback rate
  • Fraudulent chargeback value
  • Shops with Shopify Protect
  • Shopify Protect dispute total
  • Shopify Protect order total
  • View your fraud reports

    1. From your Shopify admin, go to Analytics > Reports.
    2. Click Categories.
    3. Click Fraud to filter the reports to display only fraud reports.

    List of fraud reports

    The data presented in each of the fraud reports is defined below:

    List of fraud reports and their content descriptions.
    Acceptance rateDisplays the percentage of total orders that have not been flagged as high-risk.
    Fraudulent chargeback rateDisplays the percentage of total payments that have received a chargeback where the reason was Fraudulent.
    Fraudulent chargeback valueDisplays the value of total orders that have received chargebacks where the reason was Fraudulent.
    High risk orders rateDisplays the percentage of total orders that have been flagged as high-risk.
    Orders canceled due to fraudDisplays the value of total orders that have been canceled due to fraud.
    Overall chargeback rateDisplays the percentage of total payments that have received a chargeback of any kind.
    Shopify Protect dispute totalDisplays the value of total orders that have been covered by Shopify Protect.
    Shopify Protect order totalDisplays the value of total orders that have been protected by Shopify Protect.
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