Targeting local retail customers with marketing campaigns using customer segments
You can create marketing campaigns that target specific retail customers. For example, you can target customers who've made a certain number of purchases at a specific retail location, or customers who live within a certain distance of a specific retail location. You can create a new customer segment by combining filter names, operators, and values in the editor on the Customers page to filter for retail customers who meet certain criteria.
You can use customer segments to filter your customer list for targeted marketing campaigns in the following ways:
Filter | Description | Example |
Filtering customers by sales channel | You can filter customers based on whether or not they've made purchases through your POS app with the app_id parameter. | Filter for customers who've made any number of purchases through your POS app:orders_placed(app_id:(129785)) = true Filter for customers who've made a specific number of purchases through your POS app: orders_placed(app_id: (129785) (amount = 5)) = true
Filtering customers by POS location | You can filter customers based on criteria relative to a specific POS location with the location_id parameter. | Filter for customers who've placed any number of orders at a specific POS location:orders_placed((location_id: ######)) = true Filter for platinum tiered customers who've placed an order at a specific location: orders_placed(location_id: (######)) = true AND customer_tags CONTAINS platinum-customer
Filtering customers by distance | You can filter customers based on their distance from one of your POS locations with the customer_within_distance filter. | Filter for customers who live within 10 miles of a specific POS location:customer_within_distance(coordinates: ([latitude], [longitude]), distance_mi: 10) Filter for customers who live within a certain distance of a specific POS location, but who've never made a purchase at that location: customer_within_distance(coordinates: ([latitude], [longitude]), distance_mi: 20) = true AND order_placed(location_id: (######)) = false