Return rules

Return rules determine when customers can request returns on products purchased from your store. For example, you might want to limit returns to a certain amount of days or months after purchase, or you might want certain products to be final sale.

You can manage your return rules in Settings > Policies section of your Shopify admin. When you activate return rules, they automatically display on orders on Shopify POS. This way your staff members can refer to store policies when a customer request a return.

In some cases, you might want to make an exception on your return rules. For example, a frequent customer requests a return or a customer requests a return one day after the return window ends. Shopify POS lets you to override your return rules and to add a note that explains why the return was processed.

To let your customers request returns on your online store, you can set up self-serve returns.

Requirements for using return rules with your Shopify POS

To use return rules with your Shopify POS, you need to meet the following requirements:

  • You must use Shopify POS Pro.
  • You need to have return rules set up in your Shopify admin.

Considerations for return rules on POS

Before you use return rules on Shopify POS, review the following considerations:

  • Return rules don't apply to products in an order that has previously been exchanged.
  • Return rules only apply at POS Pro locations.
  • To edit return rules, staff members need to have the Store policies permission.
  • If you have return rules for a shipping fee or a restocking fee set up, then both will apply to self-serve returns on POS orders.
  • You can't have different return rules activated for POS and self-serve returns. Your activated return rules apply to both POS and self-serve returns simultaneously. For example, if you have a 30 day return window, then the same return window applies to returns processed on POS and returns requested online using self-serve.

Understanding return rules

When a customer wants to return their order, the POS identifies products that are outside of your store's return rule policies and displays the return rules that are activated.

You can activate the following return rules for POS:

  • return window
  • final sale

Return Window

The return window is the amount of time the customer has to return a product after purchase.

If the product is being delivered to the customer, then the return window starts on the product's delivery date. If the delivery date is unavailable, then the return window starts on the product's fulfillment date plus a buffer for transit time.

Select a preset return window, or enter a custom number of days. You can select one of the following options:

  • 14 days
  • 30 days
  • 90 days
  • unlimited
  • custom days

Final sale products

You can choose which products or collections aren't eligible for returns as final sale products. Your customers can't submit return requests for final sale products. Examples of final sale products might be products that can't be returned, such as perishable, custom, personal care products, or products with large discounts.

You can include either products or collections to the final sale products. You can't include a mix of products and collections.

Return rules are saved to the order at the time the order is placed. Changes to your return rules are applied to future orders. Changes aren't applied to previous orders so that customers aren't surprised after placing an order.

Turn on return rules for Shopify POS

Before you can use return rules on Shopify POS, you need to make sure that you have set up return rules. When your return rules and policies are complete, Shopify POS can identify a product's eligibility for return after you make them available for Shopify POS.


  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Settings > Policies.

  2. In the Return rules section, click Manage.

  3. Click Turn on.

The Enforcement section on the Policies page displays that return rules are active at your POS Pro locations.

Return rules on Shopify POS

When completing a return on Shopify POS, products are sorted into two categories:

  • Eligible for return: If a product is eligible for return, then you can process the return.
  • Ineligible for return: If a product is ineligible for return, then the product is displayed in the Ineligible section, and the return reason for why the product is ineligible for a return.

Return rules that display in the return process let your staff understand why a product shouldn't be returned.

For example, your clearance collection uses a return rule that marks all products sold from it as final sale. A customer buys a sweater that is in your clearance collection. One week later, the customer returns to your store to return the sweater that they bought. When you start the return process, the sweater is marked as Ineligible, and displays the Final sale as the ineligibility reason.

Override return rules

If you want to return a product that's doesn't correspond to your store's return rules, then you can accept the return, and then add a return reason to document an exception.


  1. From the Shopify POS app, tap Orders.
  2. Tap the order for which you want to create a return.
  3. Tap Return.
  4. Tap Next.
  5. Select a return reason, and add a note that describes the reason the return rule isn't being followed.
  6. Tap Next.
  7. Confirm the return details, and tap Refund.
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