Managing Point of Sale staff

If you're the store owner or have a POS role with the Manage Point of Sale staff permission, then you can do the following from the Point of Sale channel of your Shopify admin:

  • Change the email address and contact information for a POS app only staff.
  • Change the POS role for any staff with Point of Sale access.
  • Change the PIN for any staff with Point of Sale access.
  • Delete a POS app only staff.
  • Remove Point of Sale access from staff with access to the Shopify admin.

Only the store owner can manage their own contact information, POS role, and PIN.

If staff have access to the Shopify admin, then only they can edit their contact information themselves.

Change a staff's information (Shopify POS app)

You can change a staff's information in any of the following locations:

  • the POS app
  • the Point of Sale channel in the Shopify admin
  • the Users settings in the Shopify admin


Shopify POS app
  1. From Shopify POS, tap , and then tap Staff.
  2. Tap the staff member's name.
  3. For a POS app only staff, in the CONTACT INFORMATION section, tap Edit, and then enter the staff member's new contact information.
  4. To reassign the POS role, do the following:
    1. In the POS APP ACCESS section, tap Edit, and then select a different role.
    2. Tap Save.
  5. To change the PIN, do the following:
    1. In the SECURITY section, tap Edit.
    2. Tap Generate new PIN or enter a new PIN code.
    3. Tap Save.
Point of Sale channel
  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Settings > Apps and sales channels.

  2. From the Apps and sales channels page, click Point of sale.

  3. Click Open sales channel.

  4. Click Staff.

  5. Click a staff member's name.

  6. Enter the staff member's new contact information.

  7. To reassign the POS role, in the POS role section, select a different role.

  8. To change the PIN, in the PIN section, click Generate random PIN or enter a PIN. Make sure that your staff knows what the new PIN is.

  9. Click Save.

Shopify admin
  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Settings > Users.

  2. In the Roles section, click > View store.

  3. Optional: If your store is part of an organization, then in the View stores dialog, click the store that you want to edit access for.

  4. In the Point of Sale section, do either of the following:

    • To reassign the POS role, in the POS role section, select a different role.
    • To change the PIN, in the PIN section, click Generate random PIN or enter a PIN. Make sure your staff knows what the new PIN is.
  5. Click Save.

Change staff info from the legacy Users and permissions settings

If your store or organization hasn't been migrated to the role-based access control, then you can change details on your POS staff profiles from the Users and permissions settings in your Shopify admin.


  1. From your Shopify admin, click Settings > Users and permissions.
  2. Click a staff member's name.
  3. Enter the staff member's new contact information.
  4. In the Point of Sale section, do either of the following:
    • To reassign the POS role, in the POS role section, select a different role.
    • To change the PIN, in the PIN section, click Generate random PIN or enter a PIN. Make sure your staff knows what the new PIN is.
  5. Click Save.

Search and filter the staff list

You can search and filter your staff list from the POS app or in the Point of Sale channel in the Shopify admin.

Search and filter in the POS app

You can search for a specific staff by entering a name, email address, or phone number into the Search staff field. In addition, you can filter the staff list by tapping one or more POS role.

Search and filter in the Point of Sale channel in the Shopify admin

You can search for a specific staff by entering a name, email address, or phone number into the search field. In addition, you can filter the staff list by level of access (for example, Admin), POS role, or by assigned location. You can check one or more filtering rule, and combine both POS role and location filtering rules.

For example, you can filter the staff list to display only the staff that have the Associate POS role and a specific POS location.

Delete a POS app only staff

Shopify POS app
  1. From Shopify POS, tap , and then tap Staff.
  2. Tap the name of a POS app only staff.
  3. Tap Delete staff.
Point of Sale channel
  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Settings > Apps and sales channels.

  2. From the Apps and sales channels page, click Point of sale.

  3. Click Open sales channel.

  4. Click Staff.

  5. Click the name of a POS app only staff.

  6. Click Delete staff.

Apply the same action to multiple staff

You can apply the following actions to multiple staff simultaneously in the Point of Sale channel in the Shopify admin:

  • Assign POS roles.
  • Assign locations.
  • Give Point of Sale permission for staff with Shopify admin access member accounts.
  • Delete POS app only staff.

In the following example, you assign the same POS role to several staff all at the same time.


  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Settings > Apps and sales channels.

  2. From the Apps and sales channels page, click Point of sale.

  3. Click Open sales channel.

  4. Click Staff.

  5. Check the box beside the name of each staff whose POS role you want to assign.

  6. Click Assign POS role, and then click the role that you want to assign to all the selected staff.

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