Canceling Shopify Fulfillment Network fulfillment requests

Fulfillment requests sent to Shopify Fulfillment Network (SFN) can be canceled before SFN personnel have begun picking the order, such as when the order status is Pending. After the fulfillment status changes to In progress, you can try to cancel a fulfillment request, but the order might still be fulfilled if items have started to be picked.

If you want an order to be fulfilled after canceling the fulfillment request, then you can manually request a new fulfillment.

Cancel an SFN fulfillment request

You can request that SFN cancel a fulfillment request that's in an In progress state in the Shopify admin.


  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Orders.
  2. Click the order that you want to cancel the fulfillment for.
  3. In the Fulfillment in progress section, click the ... menu, and then click Request cancelation.
  4. Optional: Add a note to SFN personnel about why you are requesting the cancelation.
  5. Click Request cancelation.

If SFN peronnel are already fulfilling the order, then the cancelation will fail. Otherwise, the cancelation request will succeed and the fulfillment status will change to Unfulfilled.

Manually request that SFN fulfil a previously canceled fulfillment

If you want to fulfil an order after canceling a fulfillment request, then manually request a new fulfillment.


  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Orders.
  2. Click the order that you want to request the fulfillment for.
  3. Click Request fulfillment.

The fulfillment request status changes to In progress.

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