Assigning shipping speeds to your international shipping rates for Shopify Fulfillment Network

You can set up shipping rates which helps make sure that your orders are delivered within the delivery expectations that you set for your customers.

Before you assign shipping speeds to your shipping rates, make sure that you set up your shipping rates to work with SFN.

SFN shipping speeds for international shipments

SFN offers one standard shipping speed for international fulfillments from US fulfillment centers that are based on the number of business days, excluding holidays, that it takes for your shipment to be delivered after SFN processes your fulfillment request. International shipping is 15 days or less.

Before you begin assigning shipping speeds to your international shipping rates

Before you assign shipping speeds to your rates, review the following considerations:

Set up your shipping

Make sure that you set up your shipping rates to work with SFN. Carrier-calculated shipping rates are not supported by SFN.

For more information on the types of shipping rates, refer to Shipping rates.

Shipping rate names

Shipping rates that have the same name are assigned to the same shipping speed. For example, if you have different free shipping rates in separate shipping zones, then make sure that they have different shipping rate names, otherwise they will all receive the same shipping speed. To change the name of your shipping rates, refer to Edit a rate.

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