Shopify Magic media generation

You can modify product images using the power of artificial intelligence (AI) with Shopify Magic’s integration into the image editor.

You can do the following actions with Shopify Magic in the image editor:

Requirements for editing images with Shopify Magic

To use Shopify Magic in the image editor, you must meet the following requirements:

  • Your account language must be set to English.
  • If you use a mobile device, then your device language must be set to English.
  • You must have the rights to any image that you have Shopify Magic modify for you. Learn more about Privacy.


For a limited time, Shopify Magic in the image editor is available on all Shopify plans (excluding those on a free trial) at no additional cost.

Considerations for editing images with Shopify Magic

Before you start using Shopify Magic in the image editor, review the following considerations:

  • Shopify Magic generates and replaces only the background of images. It doesn’t generate new foreground subjects.
  • By default, the dimensions of generated images are 1 megapixel (MP) resolution for your image’s aspect ratio.
    • Images larger than 1 MP are scaled down for segmentation and image generation.
    • Images significantly smaller than 1 MP are scaled up using AI for segmentation and image generation, and then rescaled to match the original image.
  • By default, modified images are saved as PNG files. If the original image is a JPEG, then it's saved as a JPEG. However, images with transparent backgrounds are always saved as PNG files, regardless of the original image format.
  • Subjects that are partially transparent (such as mosquito nets, tennis rackets, or glassware) can lack defined outlines and might result in lower-quality AI-generated results.
  • Shopify Magic generates 4 AI-generated scenes at a time. You can generate sets of 4 scenes multiple times during an image editing session, but any unused scenes aren’t stored anywhere unless you save the images to your device. When you close the editor, all unused scenes are deleted and you can't access them again.
  • Text-based image prompts can only add content to your background scene. You can’t remove or exclude specific background objects using a text-based prompt.
  • An invisible watermark is applied to generated images created with Shopify Magic. The watermarked content is still available to be used for commercial purposes. Invisible watermarks can't be removed.

Select an image’s subject

When you choose to Enhance background in the image editor, Shopify Magic automatically analyzes the image to identify and separate the subject from the background. However, you can manually adjust what Shopify Magic considers to be part of the subject when the automatic selection doesn’t fully capture your desired subject.


  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Products.

  2. Click a product whose image you want to modify.

  3. In the Media section, click Edit on the image that you want to modify to open the image editor.

  4. In the image editor, click the Enhance background icon.

  5. An Analyzing image message displays and the subject flashes, surrounding it with an outline. If the automatic selection of the subject isn’t fully captured, then click Choose subject.

  6. Depending on how you want to adjust the subject selection, do any of the following steps:

    1. Click any area in the image to add that selection to the subject. The selected area displays with a purple overlay. You might need to click multiple areas on an object to select the entire subject. Click any circular selection point again to undo that area selection.
    2. Hold Shift and then click to remove an area from the subject selection. You might need to click multiple areas in a selection to deselect an entire subject. Click any red selection point again to undo the area removal.
  7. When you’re satisfied with the subject selection, click Apply.

Remove an image’s background

You can remove an image’s background to make the background entirely transparent.


  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Products.

  2. Click a product whose image you want to modify.

  3. In the Media section, click Edit on the image that you want to modify to open the image editor.

  4. In the image editor, click the Enhance background icon.

  5. Confirm that the subject is selected correctly. You can manually adjust the subject selection if necessary.

  6. In the Remove background section, click Remove.

  7. Click Done.

  8. Click Save or Save as new to save your image.

If you want to discard all changes to the image, then click Revert to original.

Replacing an image’s background

You can replace an image’s background with an AI-generated scene or a solid color.

Replace an image’s background with a AI-generated scene

You can replace an image’s background with a different background scene generated with AI. These backgrounds are more complex than a solid color and can help situate your product in the context it would likely be used in. For example, an image of a bench in your workshop could be modified to display the same bench in a home’s entryway.

Scenes are generated by using a text prompt to describe the existing subject and the background you want. You can also select from a list of suggested scene prompts based on a scene style, such as Studio or City, which you can customize further as well.

You can also report any generated images that contain inappropriate or harmful content.


  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Products.

  2. Click a product whose image you want to modify.

  3. In the Media section, click Edit on the image that you want to modify to open the image editor.

  4. In the image editor, click the Enhance background icon.

  5. Confirm that the subject is selected correctly. You can manually adjust the subject selection if necessary.

  6. In the Replace background section, click the Scene tab.

  7. In the Describe the subject section, briefly describe the subject using keywords or short phrases separated by commas.

  8. In the Describe the background you want section, add a text-based prompt to describe your desired background scene by doing either of the following steps:

    1. Optional: In the Suggestions section, click View more and then click one of the scene presets, such as Studio or City, to add that prompt to the Describe the background you want section. You can then modify the preset text prompt as desired.
    2. Optional: In your own words, briefly describe your desired background scene using keywords or short phrases separated by commas.
  9. Click Generate.

  10. Along with the original image, 4 thumbnails with the new versions of the image display at the bottom of the editor for you to preview. Click the thumbnail to select the image you want to use in your final version.

  11. Optional: If you want another set of images, then click Generate again. You might also want to adjust your text prompt.

  12. When you’re satisfied with the results, click Done.

  13. Click Save or Save as new to save your image.

If you want to discard all changes to the image, then click Revert to original.

Replace an image’s background with a solid color

You can replace an image’s background with a solid color. Preset color swatches are picked directly from the generated image.


  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Products.

  2. Click a product whose image you want to modify.

  3. In the Media section, click Edit on the image that you want to modify to open the image editor.

  4. In the image editor, click the Enhance background icon.

  5. Confirm that the subject is selected correctly. You can manually adjust the subject selection if necessary.

  6. In the Replace background section, click the Color tab.

  7. Select the background color you want by doing one of the following options:

    • Click one of the preset color swatches. Presets include Monochrome and Dominant colors automatically picked directly from the image, as well as Complementary colors.
    • In the Custom section, click + to type in a color code or use the color picker window to manually select your color.
  8. When you’re satisfied with the results, click Done.

  9. Click Save or Save as new to save your image.

If you want to discard all changes to the image, then click Revert to original.

Save generated images to your device

You can save any image you generate directly to your device's local storage or share on a mobile device. Generated images that aren’t saved are lost when the editing session is finished.


  1. Follow the steps to generate a selection of AI-modified backgrounds, but don’t click Done to close the editor.
  2. Click the thumbnail for the image you want to save.
  3. In the image preview, click the icon to download the image to your device's local storage.

Report the content in generated images

Shopify Magic uses trained models that implement filters and safeguards to recognize and block harmful or offensive content. However, you can manually report any generated images that still contain inappropriate or harmful content. Your feedback helps improve the quality of scenes generated by Shopify Magic.


After you’ve followed the steps to generate a selection of AI-generated scenes and encountered inappropriate or harmful content:

  1. Click the thumbnail for the image that you want to report.
  2. In the image preview, click the ⚐ flag icon to Report content.
  3. In the Report image dialog, select what you want to report about the image.
  4. Optional: In the Add more details section, enter specific information about what you want to report.
  5. Click Submit.

Tips for using Shopify Magic media generation

The following tips can help improve the quality of AI-generated content, and help ensure that it matches the tone and personality of your brand.

Currently, Shopify Magic is limited to editing the background of the product image only. You won’t be able to edit, alter, or generate parts of the selected subject.

Optimizing images before editing with Shopify Magic

By following some standard best practices, your product photos will be higher in quality and can result in reliably better results when modifying the image using Shopify Magic.

Consider the following best practices for AI-friendly product images:

  • Use images that are close to 1 megapixel in dimension, as this is the final dimension used for all AI-generated images.
  • Use images with clearly visible product edges. Avoid images with blurred edges or other sharpness effects that might impact the outline of your product.
  • Use images that feature your product prominently in the frame, and on a simple contrasting background.
  • Avoid images with multiple subjects or objects in the frame. For example, an image of a single bag of dog food produces higher-quality results than an image of three bags of dog food grouped together or an image of a bag of dog food and several decorative dog toys surrounding it.
  • Avoid having other objects obstruct any part of your product.
  • If your product is partially transparent (such as a wineglass or mosquito net), then avoid having other objects visible behind or through the product.

Learn more about taking product photographs.

Customizing your media generation with text prompts

When generating background scenes with Shopify Magic, start by selecting a template that’s closest to your desired result, such as Studio or Kitchen, and then edit the preset text to customize your prompt.

Aesthetic and style keywords and phrases can help improve final touches to the rendering. Some examples to consider include the following types of descriptors:

  • Location: indoors, outdoors, underwater, in the city
  • Lighting: warm even light, ambient, overcast, neon, studio lights, flash photography
  • Color: vibrant, muted, bright, monochromatic, black and white, pastel
  • Material or texture: brass, bronze, gold, concrete, fabric, vinyl, canvas, wood, muslin
  • Size (relative to the subject): extreme closeup, wide shot, 6” x 4” x 2”
  • Camera angle: front shot, closeup, from above

When crafting your text prompt, consider the following best practices:

  • Text prompts should be at least 3-7 words long. Ideally, format the prompt with short keywords or phrases separated by commas.
  • Avoid long lists of requests and instructions. Unlike a large language model (LLM) or chatbot, the text prompter for media generation isn’t conversational.
  • If your product seems too large or too small compared to the context of the background scene, then include sizing information to help the generator scale the background to your product correctly. For example, 8oz jar candle or 26” x 18” suitcase.
  • To avoid objects ‘floating’ in the background scene, specify how the object should be grounded in relation to the background. For example, drink bottle sitting on table or boots resting on floor against wall.
  • Prompts that add people or animals to the background scene can lead to lower-quality results.
  • Prompting for a different kind of lighting than the one used to photograph the subject can result in lower-quality results that look mismatched.
  • You can’t remove or exclude specific background objects using a text-based scene prompt. For example, prompts such as remove pine trees or city streets, but not New York City won’t work.
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