Look up customer in segment

In workflows that use customer data, you can use the Look up customer in segment action to determine if a customer is a member of the selected segment.


The Look up customer in segment action contains the following fields.

Fields used in the Look up customer in a segment action.
Select a segmentRequired. The segment to retrieve customer data from. The options in this menu are derived from the customer segments that are available in your store.

Returned data

The Look up customer in segment action itself doesn't take any direct action in your store. Instead, it extracts data from your store based on your query, and makes this data available for use in subsequent steps in your workflow.

When you add a Look up customer in a segment action to a workflow, steps that follow this action have a Look up customer in segment variable available in the variable picker. To use the data in following conditions or actions, select Look up customer in segment in the Returned data section of the configuration panel.


The Look up customer in segment action can be used in any workflow that provides a customer:

API details

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