Send order invoice

The Send order invoice action sends an email invoice for the order that triggers the workflow.


The Send order invoice action contains the following fields.

Fields used in the Send order invoice action.
Recipient email addressRequired. The email address of the recipient.
Sender email addressRequired. The sender email address, which can be the store email or one of the staff account emails.
SubjectRequired. The subject of the email invoice.
Custom messageOptional. An optional custom message to include in the email.


The Send order invoice action can be used in workflows that start with triggers that provide an order:

API details

To learn more about sending order invoices, review the OrderInvoiceSend mutation.


Send B2B order invoice to multiple email addresses

Send invoices for B2B orders to multiple email addresses. This will use the email addresses saved as Metafields in a company location, if they exist, or this will first create three Metafields: extra_invoice_recipient.email1, .email2, .email3. View template

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