Customer created

The Customer created trigger starts a workflow when a new customer places an order in your store, or when a customer profile is manually created by a user in your organization.


The following actions can be used in workflows that start with the Customer created trigger.

Testing the Customer created trigger

To test a workflow that starts with this trigger, create a customer.

API details

The Customer created trigger allows actions to be taken with the Customer Graphql API object.


Remove D2C customer if not added to company after 3 days

When a customer is created and has not been added to a company within 3 days, the customer is deleted. View template

Reward loyalty points and tag customers when they subscribe to a newsletter

Reward loyalty points in Rivo and tag customers when they subscribe to a newsletter. View template

Tag customers eligible for educational discount based on email address

Segment customers that have ".edu" in their email address to offer educational discounts for that customer group. View template

Tag employee customer accounts by email domain

Segment staff accounts to easily track sales or offer employee discounts for that customer group. View template

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