Update email notification templates

The method used to charge tax to customers in your store is being updated. To maintain the best buying experience for your customers, some changes to your email notification templates are required. If you use default templates for your email notifications, then the templates are updated automatically and no action is needed. If you have customized your notification templates, then you need might to change your notification templates manually. Not all customized templates can be updated automatically.

When the method used to charge tax to customers is updated, estimated tax calculations are displayed to customers in the United States during the checkout process. After the checkout process is complete, the final tax amount is calculated and charged to the customer. As a result, some parts of your email notification templates need to be updated.

If your store operates in a tax-inclusive region such as the EU, and you've modified your notification templates to represent order values with tax included, then changes to your templates are not required.

Update your email notification templates

Making changes to your email notification templates might have unexpected effects. It's a good idea to back up your template by copying and pasting it into another document, such as Google Docs, before making changes. Click Preview to review your changes and ensure that they function as expected before you click Save.

Order confirmation and Order edited templates

Following these steps removes the transaction amount from the Order confirmation and Order edited templates. This ensures that customers aren't presented with a transaction amount that might not be finalized yet.

Before making changes

Before making any changes, the default email notification displays as below. Your templates and notification previews might display differently, depending on your customizations.

Example of a preview before changes are applied


  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Settings > Notifications.

  2. Click Order confirmation.

  3. Locate the section that begins with <p class="customer-info__item-content">.

  4. Delete all occurrences of the code snippet &mdash; <strong>{{ transaction.amount | money }}</strong> that appear in this section. For an example of how this might appear in your admin, refer to the order confirmation template example.

  5. Optional: Preview your changes by clicking Preview.

  6. Click Save.

  7. Return to Settings > Notifications.

  8. Click Order edited.

  9. Locate the section that begins with <p class="customer-info__item-content">.

  10. Delete all occurrences of the code snippet &mdash; <strong>{{ transaction.amount | money }}</strong> that appear in this section. For an example of how this might appear in your admin, refer to the order edited template example.

  11. Optional: Preview your changes by clicking Preview.

  12. Click Save.


The following examples identify the code snippets to be removed, using the default notification templates. Your notification templates might appear differently, depending on how much they've been customized.

Order confirmation

Example of the code changes required in the order confirmation email template

Order edited

Example of the code changes required in the order edited email template

After making changes

After making changes, the email notification appears as below. Your templates and notification previews might appear differently, depending on your customizations.

Example of a preview after changes are applied

Order invoice and Draft order invoice templates

Following these steps changes Taxes to Estimated taxes in your invoices.

Before making changes

Before making any changes, the default email notification appears as below. Your templates and notification previews might appear differently, depending on your customizations.

Example of a preview before changes are applied


  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Settings > Notifications.

  2. Click Order invoice.

  3. Locate all occurrences of the code snippet <span>Taxes</span>.

  4. Change <span>Taxes</span> to <span>Estimated Taxes</span>. For an example of how this might appear in your admin, refer to the order invoice template example.

  5. Optional: Preview your changes by clicking Preview.

  6. Click Save.

  7. Return to Settings > Notifications.

  8. Click Draft order invoice.

  9. Locate all occurrences of the code snippet <span>Taxes</span>.

  10. Change <span>Taxes</span> to <span>Estimated taxes</span>. For an example of how this might appear in your admin, refer to the draft order invoice template example.

  11. Optional: Preview your changes by clicking Preview.

  12. Click Save.


The following examples identify the code snippets to be changed from Taxes to Estimated taxes, using the default notification templates. Your notification templates might appear differently, depending on how much they've been customized.

Order invoice

Example of the code changes required in the order invoice email template

Draft order invoice

Example of the code changes required in the draft order invoice email template

After making changes

After making changes, the email notification appears as below. Your notifications might appear differently, depending on your customizations.

Example of a preview after changes are applied

Translating Taxes to Estimated taxes

If your notifications are translated into multiple languages, then you need to change Taxes to Estimated taxes manually in every translated notification in your store.


  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Settings > Notifications.

  2. Click one of the following templates:

    • Order invoice
    • Draft order invoice.
  3. Click Translate.

  4. In the section for the language that needs to be updated, find the term for taxes and change it to the term for estimated taxes.

  5. Click Save.

For example, you have an email notification set up in Danish. In your Order invoice template, you click Translate. In the Danish section, you change the term Afgifter to Estimerede skatter and then click Save.

This table provides a translation guide if you're not sure how to translate Estimated taxes into another language.

LanguageLanguage codeTaxesEstimated taxes
BulgarianBGДанъциОчаквани данъци
CzechCSDaněOdhadované daně
DanishDAAfgifterEstimerede skatter
GermanDESteuernGeschätzte Steuern
GreekELΦόροιΕκτιμώμενοι φόροι
SpanishESImpuestosImpuestos estimados
FinnishFIVerotArvioidut verot
FrenchFRTaxesTaxes estimées
HindiHIकरअनुमानित कर
CroatianHRPoreziProcijenjen iznos poreza
HungarianHUAdókAdók becsült összege
IndonesianIDPajakPerkiraan pajak
ItalianITImposteImposte stimate
KoreanKO세금예상 세금
LithuanianLTMokesčiaiApskaičiuoti mokesčiai
NorwegianNBSkatterEstimerte avgifter
DutchNLBtwGeschatte belastingen
PolishPLPodatkiSzacowane podatki
Portuguese (Brazil)PT-BRTributosTributos estimados
Portuguese (Portugal)PT-PTImpostosImpostos estimados
RomanianROTaxeTaxe estimate
RussianRUНалогиОриентировочная сумма налогов
SlovakSKDaneOdhadované dane
SlovenianSLDavkiPredvideni davki
SwedishSVSkatterBeräknad skatt
TurkishTRVergilerTahmini vergiler
VietnameseVIThuếThuế ước tính
Chinese (Simplified)ZH-CN税费预计税费
Chinese (Traditional)ZH-TW稅金預估稅金
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