Required staff permissions for Shopify POS

To access Shopify POS using a Shopify account or login credentials, staff members need the following permissions:

Staff permissions required for POS
Permission categoryPermission
Point of Sale access Access Point of Sale
  • Set up new or updated POS devices

Staff with limited admin permissions and POS app only staff can't access Shopify POS unless the store owner or a staff member with the Set up new or updated POS devices logs in to the Shopify POS first.

Store owners and staff who have all the available permissions can log in to the Shopify POS app and view Shopify POS staff PINs.

For information about creating roles and assigning them to your Shopify POS staff, refer to Point of Sale staff management.

For information about adding Shopify POS app only staff, refer to Adding Point of Sale staff.

For more information about staff permissions you can customize, refer to Description of staff permissions.

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