Viewing managed store performance

You can view performance information for your managed stores in the Partner Dashboard.

Why performance matters

Performance, or store speed, can improve the experience, conversion rate, and discoverability of an online store.

  • If an online store is fast, then a customer with a slow connection can have a positive buying experience.
  • The bounce rate is lower for faster stores.
  • Faster stores rank higher in search results.

To learn more about performance, refer to Web Performance.

Viewing performance information

You can view performance information for your stores on the Store performance page.


  1. Log into your Partner Dashboard and then navigate to the Stores page.
  2. Click View store performance.

Performance information for stores that you have access to appears in the Overview table. The table displays each store's most recent speed score and ranking. You can search by a store's name to view it in the table.

The list is sorted from the lowest to highest comparative ranking, and the lowest to highest speed score. Stores with no data available display last in the list.

Click a store to view the details pane. The details pane lists the pages used to calculate the score and the date the score and ranking was last updated. Click Log in at the bottom of the details pane to log into the store admin. If the store has no performance information, then the pane might be empty.

To learn more about a store's speed score and ranking, refer to Web Performance dashboard.

Why can't I see all of my stores?

A store appears on the Store performance page only if it meets the following criteria:

  • The store is a managed store. Development or sandbox stores do not appear on this page.
  • You have logged into the store using your partner account within the last 13 months.
  • You have the Reports permission for the store.
  • The store is not paused.
  • The store is not password protected.

If you manage 100 or more stores, then the page only shows up to 99 of the stores you logged into most recently.

Improving performance

Several factors impact each store's performance, some of which you can control. To learn about the factors that impact a store's speed and how to address them, refer to Improving performance.