在 Shopify 发货网络中管理入站转移

在 Shopify 发货网络 (SFN) 应用中创建入站转移后,您需要编辑转移以包含运单信息和预计到达时间。

SFN 应用的概述页面包含具有最近活动的入站转移分区,其中概述最新的入站转移的状态和到达情况。


您可以在 SFN 应用中为提交的入站转移添加跟踪编号。如果您的供应商将转移直接发送到发货中心,请与他们联系以获取跟踪编号。如果您没有跟踪编号,则必须添加其他运单信息:

  • 如果您的货件少于满卡车载重 (LTL),请添加 Pro 编号,即用于标识货运账单的九位数字。
  • 如果您的货件为满卡车载重 (FTL),请添加提单 (BOL)。



  1. 在 Shopify 后台中,转至应用,然后点击 Shopify 发货网络
  2. 任务部分中, 点击添加运单信息到入站转移。2. 在您要添加跟踪的入站转移中点击添加跟踪。3. 选择您的货件是货运(LTL 或 FTL)还是标准承运商。4. 点击选择到达日期,然后选择入站转移到达发货中心的预计日期。5. 输入跟踪编号、PRO 编号或 BOL。6. 点击服务,然后选择您的承运商。如果您的承运商未列出,请选择其他,输入服务名称,然后输入跟踪 URL。7. 可选:如果您使用多个包装箱发货,请在其他运单信息框中输入其他跟踪编号。8. 点击保存


您可以在 SFN 应用中查看入站是否被标记为存在问题。SFN 可能会出于下方所述原因将入站标记为存在问题。

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原因 详细原因 分辨率
Missing barcodes Products arrive at the warehouse with barcodes that are missing, damaged, covered, or unsupported.
  • Review images of the product and select the correct product or mark that it's not your product.
  • Warehouse associates will relabel the product for an additional fee.
产品损坏 产品到达仓库时已损坏或被视为不可销售。
  • 如果损坏由 Shopify Logistics 造成或者入站货件在到达发货中心之前损坏,则查看产品的图片以及损坏的处置情况
  • 如果损坏由 Shopify Logistics 造成,则货件将获得赔偿。
Short shipped boxes Fewer boxes arrived at the fulfillment center than expected.
  • Shopify will notify that an inbound is short shipped.
  • If you determine this is in error, submit a dispute.
  • If cause was SFN, reimbursement will be provided.

Resolving or disputing an inbound issue

If an inbound needs your involvement it will be highlighted in your Tasks on the Inbound section of your SFN App.


  1. On the transfer with an issue, click resolve issue.
  2. You can click View issue to see more details.
  3. Click resolve or dispute issue.
    • Resolving the issue will mark the inbound as resolved.
    • Disputing the issue will open a ticket with SFN Support.

If you are not satisfied with the inbound issue or how it has been resolved you can dispute an issue. This will open a ticket with the SFN Support team to review the situation. Wait for their reply about whether the issue is able to be disputed or not. More information about the situation might be requested.

After an inbound is resolved or the dispute is resolved the inventory will be available for sale. --->

准备好开始使用 Shopify 进行销售了吗?
