Customize and upgrade your thank you and order status pages

You can use Shopify Checkout to accept orders and receive payments wherever you sell online. With the checkout and accounts editor, you can customize your thank you and order status pages in a way that's compatible with future upgrades and works with Shop Pay.

If you don't have any existing customizations to your checkout, then your upgrade is completed automatically without requiring any additional actions from you. If you have existing customizations to your checkout, such as additional scripts or apps that customize your thank you or order status pages, then you need to manually recreate your customizations using compatible apps and the checkout and accounts editor, and then activate the pages to complete your upgrade.

Upgrade your thank you and order status pages

To upgrade your thank you and order status pages, you need to complete the following steps:

  1. Review your existing additional scripts customizations.
  2. Review your list of installed apps that customize your thank you and order status pages.
  3. Recreate your checkout customizations.
  4. Complete the upgrade by activating your new thank you and order status pages.

Step 1: Review your existing order status page additional scripts customizations

To review existing customizations created with the order status page's additional scripts, access your personalized report.


  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Settings > Checkout.

  2. In the Configurations section, click View your customizations report.

  3. In the Customizations report page, you receive an analysis of your additional scripts, including the following data:

    • Category of customization, such as Conversion Pixels or Order tracking
    • Customization name and description
    • Source file, such as additional scripts
    • Guidance for recreating the customization in the checkout and accounts editor

Step 2: Review your existing customizations created with apps

To continue using thank you and order status page customizations created with apps, an app must provide compatible customizations that use app blocks and pixels. For apps that have been updated to include compatible customizations, you can follow their setup instructions to get started.

Apps with incompatible features aren't included in your customizations report, so you must review your apps manually to determine which ones customize your thank you and order status pages. After you identify which apps customize these pages, you'll need to ensure your customizations are compatible with the new checkout and accounts experience.

Learn more about customizing your checkout with apps.


  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Settings > Apps and sales channels.
  2. Review any installed apps that customize the thank you and order status pages.
  3. Open the app to access instructions for creating customizations using compatible customization features: app blocks and pixels.
  4. If the app doesn’t offer compatible features, then do any of the following actions:
    • Reach out to the app developer to learn when compatible features will be offered.
    • Install an alternate app with compatible customization features.

Step 3: Recreate your customizations

How you recreate your customizations depends on what kind of previous customizations you made to your thank you and order status pages.

To recreate existing customizations made with order status page additional scripts, use pixels or compatible apps. To recreate visual or functional customizations made with apps, use app blocks or pixels. Open your existing thank you and order status page customization apps to access instructions for creating customizations using these compatible features.

If an app doesn’t offer compatible customization features using app blocks or pixels, then contact the app developer or install an alternate app.


  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Settings > Checkout.

  2. In the Configurations section, click Customize next to the checkout configuration that you want to customize.

  3. In the checkout and accounts editor, click the gear icon to access the Settings sidebar.

  4. Customize the style of your checkout using the checkout and accounts editor.

  5. To re-add tracking pixels to your pages, use app or custom pixels. Follow the steps to migrate your old tracking pixels to either an app pixel or a custom pixel.

  6. To add UI extensions that customize the appearance and functionality of your checkout pages, install a compatible app and activate it in the checkout and accounts editor.

  7. Preview your changes to your checkout.

Step 4: Activate and publish your thank you and order status pages

When your customizations are successfully recreated, then you must activate your thank you and order status pages to complete the checkout upgrade.


  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Settings > Checkout.

  2. In the Configurations section, click Customize next to the checkout configuration that you want to customize.

  3. When you’re ready to complete your upgrade, navigate to the Thank you or Order status page in the checkout and accounts editor using the page selector.

  4. Click the sections icon to open the Sections sidebar, and then click Publish.

  5. Click Save.

  6. Confirm that incompatible customizations will be replaced to complete your upgrade.

Optional: Revert your thank you and order status pages to use additional scripts and apps

Stores that previously created customizations with order status page additional scripts and apps with incompatible customization features can revert to using those customizations. To revert, go to Settings > Checkout and click Revert in the Order status page section.

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