Requirements for selling hemp and hemp-derived products in the United States (U.S.)

To sell hemp and hemp-derived products containing cannabidiol (CBD) on Shopify in the United States (U.S.), you must ensure that you comply with the requirements described on this page. Remember, you always need to follow the laws of your store’s location and the places you ship products.

Hemp and hemp-derived product compliance statements

I confirm that:

  1. I am the account owner or business owner and have authority to bind my business to these statements. My business will follow these rules as long as it sells, or offers to sell, hemp and hemp-derived products.
  2. The address listed in my Shopify admin matches the state from which I conduct my business.
  3. My Shopify store operates from a jurisdiction where the online listing and sale of hemp and hemp-derived products is permitted by applicable federal, state, and local laws. I have all of the applicable state and local licenses, approvals, and certifications required to sell hemp and hemp-derived products in the U.S.
  4. I will notify Shopify in writing to of any class action demand letter or Food and Drug Administration (FDA) or Federal Trade Commission (FTC) enforcement action commenced against my business, including any warning letters or other related correspondence within ten days of receipt.
  5. Any time Shopify requests, I will provide documentation that confirms that my Shopify store, business, and cannabis products are in compliance with laws, regulations, and any of the requirements outlined here.

Compliance requirements for hemp and hemp-derived products

I confirm that for all hemp and hemp-derived products listed or sold on my Shopify store:

  1. Those products don't contain more than 0.3% tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) concentration on a dry weight basis or such lower percentage as required by applicable state and local law.
  2. Those products have been sourced, processed, tested, labeled and marketed in compliance with all applicable federal, state, and local laws.
  3. Those products are legal in every jurisdiction into which they're sold, including jurisdictions outside the U.S., as applicable.
  4. Those products have been sourced, processed, tested, labeled, and marketed as required by federal, state, and local law.
  5. Those products aren't marketed as having any medicinal, disease-related, or therapeutic benefit, or any other marketing claims unless such claims have been approved by the FDA for that specific product category such as cosmetics or dietary supplements.
  6. Those products have not been the subject of a recall or safety alert from an applicable regulatory authority. In the event of a recall or safety alert, I confirm that I will immediately remove the applicable product(s) from my Shopify store and stop fulfilling, processing, or receiving orders for such products.

I understand that if I fail to comply with the confirmations and promises here, or if Shopify determines in its sole discretion that further action is required, that Shopify may take action against my account, up to and including store termination.

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