Order confirmation numbers

After a customer completes their order, an order status page displays a thank you message, details about the order, and a confirmation number. The confirmation number is created immediately at checkout, before the actual order is created. After the order is created, the confirmation number is recorded in the order's timeline, and a confirmation email is sent to your customer with the order number and a link to the order. At this point, the confirmation number is no longer necessary for order tracking.

A confirmation number can give a customer confidence that their checkout is complete. If the customer has a problem, then they can contact you with their confirmation number so that you can resolve their issue.

Search for orders by the confirmation number

If a customer has questions about their order, then they might contact you. If your customer provides their confirmation number, then you can search for their order using their confirmation number.

To search for an order by the confirmation number, you can enter the full confirmation number in the Shopify admin search field, or you can use the order filter on the orders page.


  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Orders.

  2. Enter the confirmation number in the Filter orders field.

  3. Select the appropriate order from the list.

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