Commerce Components by Shopify

Commerce Components by Shopify is a modular set of tools designed for the unique requirements of enterprise brands. Choose the components that you need, integrate with existing technology, and build with Shopify to provide the right combination of flexibility, scale, and agility for enterprise.

Learn more about Shopify's vision for enterprise retail.

Available components

Shopify is built on components to form a commerce platform and is making that infrastructure available to retailers in a modern, composable stack for enterprises.

The following table gives an overview of available components. View all components.

Commerce Components by category
Component typeDescription
StorefrontBuild custom storefronts using your preferred framework and hosting provider. Components include:
  • Headless API with Storefront API
  • Headless SDK with Hydrogen
  • Low-code storefronts with Liquid
  • Content
  • Headless hosting with Oxygen
  • Storefront search
Cart and checkoutIncrease revenue with an extensible cart and checkout. Components include:
  • Cart
  • Payments platform
  • Fraud protection
  • Checkout platform
  • Tax platform
Core commerceBuild your business with essential capabilities. Components include:
  • Product catalog
  • Cross-border selling with International
  • Customer data
  • Functions extensibility with Functions
  • Custom data models such as Metafields
  • Subscriptions
  • Discounts
  • B2B
Data and complianceDrive sales with secure and accurate customer data. Components include:
  • Data analysis
  • Card data and vaulting
  • Marketing insights
  • Security and compliance
Shipping and logisticsStreamline your order logistics. Components include:
  • Fulfillment
  • Inventory
  • Shipping labels API
  • Order management
  • Returns
OmnichannelSell anywhere while maintaining a unified view of your business. Components include:
  • Point of sale
  • Customer accounts
  • Social commerce


Enterprise brands using Commerce Components by Shopify have access to a dedicated account team, technical support, and Shopify Professional Services to solve your most complicated challenges.

Can’t find the answers you’re looking for? We’re here to help.