Formatting how currency displays to your customers

You can change the way that currencies are displayed on your store to make it easier for your customers to read the amounts.

Currency formatting types

Review the following currency formats that are used in different parts of your store.

The four different currency formats used on your store
NameUsed in
HTML with currencyOnline store
HTML without currencyOnline store
Email with currency Notifications and Shopify Order Printer templates
Email without currency Notifications and Shopify Order Printer templates

Currency formatting options

You can display currency amounts in different ways.

formatting options for currency amounts
Money formatRoundedExample
{{ amount }}1,134.65
{{ amount_no_decimals }}1,135
{{ amount_with_comma_separator }}1.134,65
{{ amount_no_decimals_with_comma_separator }}1.135
{{ amount_with_apostrophe_separator }}1'134.65
{{ amount_no_decimals_with_space_separator }}1 135
{{ amount_with_space_separator }}1 134,65
{{ amount_with_period_and_space_separator }}1 134.65

When using the formatting option amount_no_decimals, the thousands separator (used for digit grouping) is determined from the international set standard for the currency code.

If the decimal number is 50 or greater, then rounded currency formats are rounded up. If the decimal number is less than 50, then rounded currency formats are rounded down.

Change your currency formatting

  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Settings.
  2. Click Store details.
  3. In the Store currency section, click Change formatting.
  4. In each of the fields, replace {{amount}} with the currency format that you want to use from the options table.
  5. Click Save.

Activate currency codes in your theme settings

Themes that are created by Shopify let you display or hide the currency code along with the prices in your online store.


  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Online Store > Themes.
  2. Next to the theme that you want to edit, click Customize.
  3. Click Theme settings.
  4. Click Currency format.
  5. In the Currency codes section, select or deselect Show currency codes.
  6. Click Save.
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