Legacy Shopify Collective shipping settings

If you installed the Collective app after April 3, 2023, then a custom shipping profile with your supplier's shipping costs was created automatically in your Shipping and delivery settings when you imported your first Shopify Collective product from a supplier.

You can decide and adjust the new custom shipping profile to charge customers the shipping rates that you want for orders containing Shopify Collective products. The custom shipping profile isn't kept in sync with supplier's shipping costs set on Shopify Collective. If your supplier adjusts the shipping rates, then you're notified by email.

If you use Shopify Collective automatic payments with your suppliers, then you're automatically charged the shipping rates that suppliers configure on Shopify Collective. You can view how much your supplier charges for shipping in the supplier's profile by going to Collective (Retailer) app > Suppliers > View shipping costs.

Considerations for managing shipping with Shopify Collective

  • The shipping rates that you configure and the shipping rates that you customers select at checkout aren't synced with your supplier.
  • Calculated shipping rates don't work with products that are imported using Shopify Collective. You need to use flat shipping rates.
  • If you don't use Shopify Collective automatic payments, then both you and your supplier need to agree how you handle payments for Shopify Collective order shipping cost. For example, you can manage payments outside Shopify by an invoice or direct bank transfer.
  • If an order contains products from different shipping profiles or location groups, then your shipping rates are combined into a single shipping rate that's displayed to your customers at checkout. Currently, there is no way to prevent combined shipping rates at checkout.

Configure your shipping rates for Shopify Collective products

You can configure what you charge your customers for shipping Shopify Collective products. You need to adjust the new custom profile that's created when you import a first product from the supplier.


  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Settings > Shipping and delivery.

  2. In Custom shipping rates section, find a custom profile [Supplier name] Shopify Collective that you want to edit, and then click Manage.

  3. Make any adjustments to your shipping profile.

  4. Click Save.

If you installed Collective app before April 3, 2023

You would have set up a shipping profile for products that you imported using Shopify Collective. Newly imported products are always assigned to the general shipping profile, but you need to make sure that the supplier's location and products are in the same shipping profile.

You can configure the shipping rates that you charge your customers on orders containing Shopify Collective products. Your supplier sets the shipping cost they charge you for shipping the orders to your customers.

If you use Shopify Collective automatic payments with your suppliers, then you're automatically charged the shipping rates that suppliers configure on Shopify Collective. You can view how much your supplier charges for shipping in the supplier's profile by going to Collective (Retailer) app > Suppliers > View shipping costs.

Setting up shipping rates for Shopify Collective products

If you have multiple shipping profiles or multiple location groups within your general shipping profile, then you need to do one of the following:

Add shipping rates for Shopify Collective products in your general shipping profile

You can add existing shipping rates or create new shipping rates for products imported using Shopify Collective in the general shipping profile.


  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Settings > Shipping and delivery.

  2. In the General shipping rates section, click Manage.

  3. In the Not shipping from section, click Add rates next to the [Supplier name] via Shopify Collective location.

  4. Use existing rates or create new rates:

    • To use existing rates, do the following:
      1. In the Use same rates as section, select a location to use the same rates for Shopify Collective products.
      2. Click Done.
    • To create new shipping rates, do the following:
      1. In the Create new rates section, select the [Supplier name] via Shopify Collective location.
      2. Click Done.
      3. Create shipping zones.
      4. Add flat shipping rates to your zones.
  5. Click Save.

Create a new custom shipping profile for Shopify Collective products

You can create a custom shipping profile for products imported using Shopify Collective. When you create a custom profile, you need to select the Shopify Collective location and all supplier's products individually.


  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Settings > Shipping and delivery.

  2. In Custom shipping rates section, click Create new profile.

  3. Enter a name for the profile.

  4. In the Products section, use the search bar to add supplier's products to the shipping profile.

  5. In the Shipping origins section, leave your supplier's Shopify Collective location and remove all other locations from the list.

  6. For each shipping zone that you want in your shipping profile, complete the following steps:

    1. In Shipping zones section, click Create zone.
    2. Name the shipping zone.
    3. Select the countries or regions that are part of the zone, and then click Done.
    4. For each shipping rate you want in the zone, click Add rate, choose the rate's details, and then click Done.
  7. Click Save.

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